OT: Every 3-1/2 minutes . . .
Every 3-1/2 minutes, a child is diganosed with cancer.
That's 160,000 each year.

I've almost reached my goal of a thousand dollars from friends like you guys who are supporting my tonsorial madness by sponsoring me in this year's St. Baldrick's Day head shaving for kids with cancer. THANK YOU to everyone who has taken time out of their busy day - and dollars out of their wallets - to help me in the fight against childhood cancers.
At St. Baldrick’s events, volunteers get bald to raise money and stand in solidarity with kids who typically lose their hair during cancer treatments. Since the first head-shaving event on St. Patrick’s Day in 2000, St. Baldrick’s has contributed more than $50.5 million dollars to pediatric cancer research and held events around the globe. In fact. St. Baldrick's Day is second only to the United States government in monies given to fund grants for pediatric cancer research, and Team Brent, of which I am a part, is the number one fundraising team in the nation.
Look at those numbers again: . . .
- Every 3-1/2 minutes, a child is diganosed with cancer. That's 160,000 each year.
The St. Baldrick’s Foundation makes grants to research institutions to find new cures for childhood cancer, and to find treatments to ensure a better quality of life for patients and survivors. The Foundation funds research projects conducted by established pediatric cancer experts, as well as younger professionals who will be the experts of tomorrow. Funds also enable hundreds of local institutions to participate in national pediatric cancer clinical trials, offering the best available care for every child.
If you are interested in becoming a "shavee", participating as a barber, or just want to learn more, please visit stbaldricks.org
Or, if you can find it in your heart (or waller, or pocketbook) to sponsor me in my journey, please vivist www.stbaldricks.org/participants/mypage/participantid/364314
and click on the big, blue "Make a Donation" box.
Thank you so, so much for your interest and thank you all for your continued support!
Bette B
Bold, Bald Broad
That's 160,000 each year.
I've almost reached my goal of a thousand dollars from friends like you guys who are supporting my tonsorial madness by sponsoring me in this year's St. Baldrick's Day head shaving for kids with cancer. THANK YOU to everyone who has taken time out of their busy day - and dollars out of their wallets - to help me in the fight against childhood cancers.

At St. Baldrick’s events, volunteers get bald to raise money and stand in solidarity with kids who typically lose their hair during cancer treatments. Since the first head-shaving event on St. Patrick’s Day in 2000, St. Baldrick’s has contributed more than $50.5 million dollars to pediatric cancer research and held events around the globe. In fact. St. Baldrick's Day is second only to the United States government in monies given to fund grants for pediatric cancer research, and Team Brent, of which I am a part, is the number one fundraising team in the nation.
Look at those numbers again: . . .
- Every 3-1/2 minutes, a child is diganosed with cancer. That's 160,000 each year.
The St. Baldrick’s Foundation makes grants to research institutions to find new cures for childhood cancer, and to find treatments to ensure a better quality of life for patients and survivors. The Foundation funds research projects conducted by established pediatric cancer experts, as well as younger professionals who will be the experts of tomorrow. Funds also enable hundreds of local institutions to participate in national pediatric cancer clinical trials, offering the best available care for every child.
If you are interested in becoming a "shavee", participating as a barber, or just want to learn more, please visit stbaldricks.org
Or, if you can find it in your heart (or waller, or pocketbook) to sponsor me in my journey, please vivist www.stbaldricks.org/participants/mypage/participantid/364314
and click on the big, blue "Make a Donation" box.
Thank you so, so much for your interest and thank you all for your continued support!
Bette B
Bold, Bald Broad