Post RNY ailments?
Hi All,
Here I am, almost 3 years since my surgery, down 115 pounds and was able to have a beautiful baby girl (who is 16 months old). I *have* gained some weight back and never did meet my surgeon's goal. I like to blame it on becoming pregnant 10 months after surgery, but I certainly could lose more if I tried.
My problem is that I have developed arthritis in my knees. I never had a problem before surgery and I was MUCH heavier. At this point, I am going to assume that it is osteo and not rheumatoid, but I have to wait for the blood tests to come back to confirm that. I have heard that there are other people who have experienced terrible problems years after surgery due to malabsorbtion.
By the way, I'm 31 years old...which makes this even more devastating to me. Sometimes I do wish I would have had the lapband instead, but 6 months ago I would have told you that RNY was the best thing that I ever could have done for myself. Had it not been for the surgery, I would not have gotten pregnant and wouldn't have been blessed with the most awesome daughter in the world. I wouldn't have been free from diabetes, sleep apnea, and pain ****il now) for almost three years.
I guess I just struggle with the mixed emotions. If I have osteoarthritis, chances are I would have it regardless of RNY and . Rheumatoid, mmm...not so sure.
Anyone else with any ailments? How are you dealing and do you regret your decision to have RNY?
I do know that I now have vaso vagal issues. Basically my blood pressure drops and I can pass out. I have only passed out 3 times in a little over a year from it but I do get very sick from it. When I dump (which is getting more frequent it seems) my blood pressure will drop and I feel ickey for about half an hour. If it's not dumping it lasts longer.
I was also able to get pregnant and I know I wouldn't have been able to with out the weight loss.
My arthritis is better in my back so that's a plus.
Even with the vaso vagal issues I would still do it over again.
I shall now be know as Hagatha: Queen of the queens.
Baby 7-09
Xavier Elliott born 10-5-10
Basically Charcots is related to diabetic neuropathy ... the nerve damage causes the muscles in the foot both the ankle and the arch. The calcium is being reabsorbed and causes the arch to actually start to break.. (You can hear your bones crack. it sounds like cracking knuckles)
If untreated the arch will collapse and if your lucky the arch will refuse in a upside down manor and causes the bottom of the foot to look like a rocking chair bottom.
I am very grateful for the Internet because in doing research I took control and did what I thought would help. By the time I got to a doctor the damage was done. and he put me on Lycra. for the pain.
I found on the Internet the supplement Called Alpha Lipoic Acid which is an antioxidant and used in diabetics for nerve damage and glucose metabolism. I took ALA and 1200 units of Calcium a day and the response has been for me miraculous.
My 1st foot doctors put me on Lyrcia for pain. My 2nd tried a $750 brace for my right foot, 350 orthotic on my left foot. I walked with a can and $120 shoes I used a cane and a scooter to go shopping. The 2nd doctor was impressed with the look of the foot and was impressed with the stability of t ...
Then in deciding to do the WLS... I bought a pair of crocs to walk into the pool with and to take a shower. Guess what the crocs molded to my foot and then I could actually fit into a pair of sneaker then a pair of Easy Spirits. and Last weekend I WHEN HIKING AND DANCING........CAN YOU IMAGINE ..I believe the WLS, ALA and Calcium and Pool are my savior.....I am grateful
Bottom line do your research and find out how, what, why and be your own advocate...
Good Luck Gloria .

Lost 25 pounds pre-op
Does anyone in your family have osteo arthritis? I think it runs in families. My Mom has it terrible and I do too. BUT losing my weight has made it better. I can feel it again if I just put on a few more pounds. So it's a real incentive to maintain my weight loss. I was really handicapped with it at 281 lbs. . . . could barely walk. I was popping Ibuprofens like candy. Now I don't take anything and I can run!
The best thing to do is go see an orthopedic doctor, get your MRIs done. It could be that you damaged them and don't remember doing it.
Thoughts are with you.
I've never actually heard of anyone saying they have gotten arthritis due to malabsorption. You should go discuss with with your surgeon, because I'd be very curious about their opinion on the matter. Is it possible? Have you kept up with your bloodwork? How have your tests been?
Anyway, I guess my overall feeling is that I'll take arthritis over obesity (and all the other probelms) any day. And, I really can't in honesty blame the surgery- my blood tests have been mainly normal, so I don't see how any minor or passing malabsorption issues could have affected my own long term health. But, that's just my own scenario.
Good luck to you. If you talk to your surgeon, I'm love to hear what he/she says!
Lisa C
From CT