Dr. Ehrlich
I have all the the new contact information on Dr. Timothy Ehrlich's new practice. His address and phone numbers. Fairfield Bariatric Group (Dr. Neil Floch and Dr. Craig Floch)would not give out this information to "HIS" patients - which is against what the American Medical Association rule of ethics for when a doctor leaves a practice for any reason. The group would not give me his phone number or any address to contact him. This IS WRONG. I would NEVER recommend the Fairfield Bariatric Group to anyone anymore after I had been denied information on my surgeon, Information they had that they would not share with HIS patients. They also did not let HIM have access to HIS list of HIS patients or their contact information and appointments that had already been made. Effectively holding his patients hostage from him. I am going to write to the Connecticut Attorney General concerning the way this practice treated me. Please feel free to email me any questions or concerns you may have. Dr. Timothy Ehrlich has an impeccable reputation - he didn't get to be the head of Bariatric Surgery at St. Vincent's without earning this position. Most Sincerely,
NP (surgery 10/25/2009 - down 45 pounds)
NP (surgery 10/25/2009 - down 45 pounds)
Yes, they gave me a hard time about transferring my chart. I had called several times and faxed the request form...still they couldn't seem to "find" my chart. Even suggested Dr. Erhlich might actually have taken it himself. Once I got the practice manager on the phone and threatened to phone the state that they were in violation of HIPPAA regulations...my chart mysteriosuly turned up in the record room and was faxed the next day.
Can't say I was impressed with them ...
Can't say I was impressed with them ...
Alright - now a clear picture is emerging. It is time to act. The Connecticut Attorney General needs to know that our rights and that of Dr. Ehlich's have been denied. His patients held hostage by doctors that do not follow medical ethics and think they can get away with this. Please joing me in notifying the Attorney General about the way we were denied our medical rights. This is his email address [email protected] . And his name and phone number:
and address: Attorney General, Office Of The
55 Elm St., Hartford 06106.
If you feel as many of us do that are rights have been violated - please contact the attorney general - OUR VOICES WILL BE HEARD !
ATTORNEY GENERAL, Richard Blumenthal | (860) 808-5318 |
55 Elm St., Hartford 06106.
If you feel as many of us do that are rights have been violated - please contact the attorney general - OUR VOICES WILL BE HEARD !
Seems as though this thread is all one sided. We must remember there are three sides to every store- his, theirs, and the truth. I'm not saying it is ok to hold back info from one's surgeon. What I am saying is this- F.C.B has helped ALL of us in one way or another. I don't think it's appropriate to "bite the hand" that has helped us all change our lives. Without this ENTIRE group..where would be be?? And just how much more would we all weigh?? I have been part of FCB for 5 years- it's not just one doctor/surgeon that has helped me...it was the entire practice~
Hey there, girl! It's been a long time! 
Up until a couple of weeks ago, I totally agreed with you. I ALWAYS said to everyone interested in FCB that I considered ALL the docs to be "my doc". But in light of recent developments and threats to sue ME by Craig and his attorney, I have decided to completely "divorce" myself from FCB and the Flochs.
I am no longer willing to help their patients online or in person, at the risk of saying the wrong thing and being threatened with legal action. I have also withdrawn my support, photos and testimonials from their website. All this because the brothers Floch don't know how to handle this clusterfu*ck of a situation with ANSWERS to their patients (former, current and future) rather than threats.
More details if you'd like them, but most of it has been spelled out here in other postings.

Up until a couple of weeks ago, I totally agreed with you. I ALWAYS said to everyone interested in FCB that I considered ALL the docs to be "my doc". But in light of recent developments and threats to sue ME by Craig and his attorney, I have decided to completely "divorce" myself from FCB and the Flochs.
I am no longer willing to help their patients online or in person, at the risk of saying the wrong thing and being threatened with legal action. I have also withdrawn my support, photos and testimonials from their website. All this because the brothers Floch don't know how to handle this clusterfu*ck of a situation with ANSWERS to their patients (former, current and future) rather than threats.
More details if you'd like them, but most of it has been spelled out here in other postings.
Hey lady- You know St. Baldricks is coming up again in March- I have already signed up!!
How have you been? I am well- had a revision a few months back as well as two hernia repairs. I am now on the road to getting my tummy tuck approved by my insurance- wish me luck!
Wow- so as for this situation....I am in awe. It's true Bette...there are usually three sides to every story. I know you are a fan of Dr. Ehrlich as well as you know I am a fan of Neil. I am in shock that this crap is happening. To be honest, Neil has helped me in more ways than I can ever tell you. I don't really know his brother and it sounds like it's better if I don't get involved with that. Neil has truly saved my life- not just be performing the WLS but also every other surgery I have needed after that. He helped me and my family during a horrific time in my life. He continues to support me in all aspects. I have heard bits and pieces through the grapevine but really have no clue as to what has happened. I use to go to the infomational seminars and speak when Tim was presenting- never had an issue with him. Drop me an email ([email protected]) I fully support FCB- maybe it's better I don't know all the details because I would hate to think differently about the practice.
Fill me in sista!!!
So...S. Baldricks??? Let me know. This year it's on a Saturday afternoon at Harbor Yard- should be a good time.
Hey lady- You know St. Baldricks is coming up again in March- I have already signed up!!
How have you been? I am well- had a revision a few months back as well as two hernia repairs. I am now on the road to getting my tummy tuck approved by my insurance- wish me luck!
Wow- so as for this situation....I am in awe. It's true Bette...there are usually three sides to every story. I know you are a fan of Dr. Ehrlich as well as you know I am a fan of Neil. I am in shock that this crap is happening. To be honest, Neil has helped me in more ways than I can ever tell you. I don't really know his brother and it sounds like it's better if I don't get involved with that. Neil has truly saved my life- not just be performing the WLS but also every other surgery I have needed after that. He helped me and my family during a horrific time in my life. He continues to support me in all aspects. I have heard bits and pieces through the grapevine but really have no clue as to what has happened. I use to go to the infomational seminars and speak when Tim was presenting- never had an issue with him. Drop me an email ([email protected]) I fully support FCB- maybe it's better I don't know all the details because I would hate to think differently about the practice.
Fill me in sista!!!
So...S. Baldricks??? Let me know. This year it's on a Saturday afternoon at Harbor Yard- should be a good time.
Christine, I am very interested in learning more about your revision - would you please share the specifics? What caused you to require a revision - if weight regain, how much and over what period of time? What was your original surgery? And what type of revision did you opt for? How are you doing with it all? Thanks very much. Maureen
Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today.
VSG on 04/18/13
I am considering having VGS done with Dr. Ehrlich. Do you know what this procedure will cost me?
Thank you,
Thank you,