Ffld. County Bariatrics- Dr. Ehrlich Patients
WOW BETTE, Why didnt I just find you in the first place....Ditto to what Bette just said......I hope his patients are seeing how much time he is spending on bothering Dr. Ehrlichs patients and talking trash about him instead of consentrating on their well being.....
Dr. Ehrlich knows EXACTLY who you are and he also has copies of this post.........Stupid Move Dude, Stupid Move!!!!
You arent that slick!!!!!!
10-1 he (CLF) never returns to see the responses....Dang It Bette and they were good....
Dr. Ehrlich knows EXACTLY who you are and he also has copies of this post.........Stupid Move Dude, Stupid Move!!!!

10-1 he (CLF) never returns to see the responses....Dang It Bette and they were good....

I feel sorry for you, you must not have any life or self respect....Go hold a seminar somewhere will ya....
Stay off here if you can be nice....If you are a previous "patient" of Dr. Ehrlichs why didn't you just leave and be done, Why all this nastiness... Hes a wonderful doctor...Its sad that revenge has brought you to this level...And if this is Dr. Floch...Then what do your patients think of you now seeing this....
By the way, I have seen Dr. Ehrlich on 5 seperate occasions since the seperation from FCB, not once has he said anything negative against the Flochs...Its sad your spending this much time going after him, he can care less......

Stay off here if you can be nice....If you are a previous "patient" of Dr. Ehrlichs why didn't you just leave and be done, Why all this nastiness... Hes a wonderful doctor...Its sad that revenge has brought you to this level...And if this is Dr. Floch...Then what do your patients think of you now seeing this....
By the way, I have seen Dr. Ehrlich on 5 seperate occasions since the seperation from FCB, not once has he said anything negative against the Flochs...Its sad your spending this much time going after him, he can care less......
I have no idea of what the heck is going on, all I know is that I too was told I had to see one of the Flocks and at first was told that FB would not give Dr. E's number.... later they changed their song... guess their lawyers were working then.... as for Dr. E being money hungry... I do not have health insurance and he sees me at no cost....FOR YEARS!!!! and anytime I saw him personally he has been very caring and attentive.... I wish we knew exactly what went on... Dr. E's office did not bad mouth the Flocks as the Flocks have Dr. E... I guess you must attack when you feel inferior...
Hope it all gets resolved soon! For the sake of every patient and Dr.s
Larry, GET A LIFE! You show too much hate for a former Dr. E patient... some does not add up here... GROW UP and MAN UP! We all are who we are here... you are a fake!
Hope it all gets resolved soon! For the sake of every patient and Dr.s
Larry, GET A LIFE! You show too much hate for a former Dr. E patient... some does not add up here... GROW UP and MAN UP! We all are who we are here... you are a fake!