Thank You
On this Easter Sunday, and the day before my surgery, I would like to express my gratitude for everybody on this board. Your words of support and prayers are, and were, so gratifying. I have made it through 10 days of the liquid diet and happy to say that I have lost 20+ lbs. doing so. I can't thank all of you wonderful and caring people enough. It is fitting that, with the blessing of the new light and water last night, the blessing of the water today, and the Ressurection of Our Lord Today, I start my new life tommorrow. I will post when I return.
Dear Joe,
Good luck for your procedure tomorrow. What a great thing you are doing for yourself, your health and your loved ones and, as you say, with the blessings of Easter upon you. I remember your earliest posts when you were first considering this step and now, here you are...
I look forward to hearing all about your experience when you take your seat on the losers' bench.
Every good wish to you for this next stage of your life.
Best wishes from
Mary M
Hi Joe,
I had surgery a week ago today. Wednesday, on the way home, I, for the first time in my life, felt a part of all the new life I saw that every Spring brings. Along with the trees budding out, the flowers blooming and the grass getting green again .. all coming to life after a cold, barren winter, I feel that I am a part of that beauty that God has given us.
May God grant you a smooth path through and after your surgery. You will be in my prayers.
I am too blessed to be stressed and too anointed to be disappointed!