I AM WOMAN, hear me ROAR
This morning I jumped on the big trampoline with my kids
...I felt like a big kid myself. All giddy and hyper.....I remember, this time last year, just my standing in the middle of the trampoline made it stretch all the way down, almost touching the ground...that was at 325 lbs...Forget about even trying to jump....
Today I jumped, I jumped high, and then i laid down on the trampoline and looked up at the sky..The tips of the pine trees formed a circle high above me, and the sky was blue, just starting to fill with wispy clouds. and I was sooooo happy..It was one of those perfect moments that I wish I could somehow feeze and capture in time...And all around me was the sound of happy laughter...the children's and MINE!!!
I love my life, I love the person I am able to be because of my surgery... I am no longer trapped inside my body, no longer the one stuck inside, looking out and wishing I could do things, wishing I could have an active role....

Good for you Dorota! What a pretty picture you just painted for us and I couldn't imagine anything closer to heaven. So soak it all up and savor every moment of the new "You" that you have brought about by your dedication to your "Journey". While it is not as easy as some would like to think it's rewards are many and beautiful! Take Care and God Bless! Julio

It's not an easy journey Julio, but it is moments like this one that make it all worth it.....My quality of life is so much better,,,I am a more active and involved mother, I am a more actively happy person...
The difference from last year is like night and day...
It does take a lot of dedication to make this tool work for us, and I give credit to all of us....
Let me take this opportunity to re-dedicate myself to my health.......
Healthy eating, exersize, taking all my vitamins, and a positive outlook on life.....
Your post brought tears to my eyes. What a WOW moment for you. It is wonderful to take some time out to appreciate all the quality of life WLS has given back to us. I think one of the greatest blessings I have received, is being able to play with my kids. The joy on their faces when Mommy joins in on the fun is priceless.
Thanks for sharing such heartfelt sentiments -- beautifully put too.
Also, I am starting to wonder what kind of picnic this is going to be with trampoline jumping
and cartwheels
...I am afraid to ask, what is next?
Have a bouncy day!