Carb question
I actually have a question..
When counting carbs how do you know how much you're taking in?
Say a serving on something has approximately 12 carbs...where does fiber,protein, and sugars come into play?
Do you subtract the fiber count from the carbs?
This has always confused me. I always try to go with as low a carb as possible when making food choices...but then I start panicking about fat volume as well.
Which is worse carbs or fat? What's right & what's wrong? I'll be a year out in two weeks...and have been at a stand still in weight loss for about 2 months.
My problem is a HUGE sweet tooth. I go for fruit...grapes...raisins...dates...raisins & dates have 0 fat but a HIGH carb rate and little fiber...I'm thinking it's better than giving in to sugarfree ice cream or sugar free it's healthier...& try to limit myself to the serving suggestion (of course less due to the pouch not being able to have that much capacity.)
Thanks gang,
When I asked my Nut. she said that it was fine to go along with the "net carb" thing. This means you can subtract fiber and any sugar alcohols from your totals. The only problem is that none of the online food trackers like fitday or sparkpeople do net carbs. So I tend to just count carbs as carbs to make life simpler for myself. When I say that my carb intake is 75g, that is 75 actual carbs, nothing subtracted.
Trying to balance both fat and carbs is hard! I do what I can in that department, substituting low or non fat items whenever I can and I have found that lately it has been turning out ok. But at first it was hard to find a balance. Some days either fat or carbs would be sky high. Its trial and error I guess.
Thanks for sharing is simpler going your route and counting carbs as carbs with no subtractions...
I'll ask when I go for my year check up. I can't be doing too too badly as I'm 120 pounds lighter...and a size 10! whoot whoot! Just want to be sure I get the most out of my tool.
PS...your updated photo is BOMBSHELL!
Take Care,
Hi Beth, My doctor just told me it was ok to start eating carbs. I don't actually count them, just figure a piece of rye toast here, a couple of spoon fulls of brown rice there. I do my best to stay away from things made with white flour and stick to whole grains for the most part tho. Works for me, Take care, Julio