1 Year Post Op Questions
I am switching to Dr. Barajas (for reasons I'd rather not get into), my first appt is Thursday.
I would like to know what sort of questions I should ask. What did your doctor do for you at your 1 year appt. I already called and asked if I should get some sort of blood work done and they said that they needed to see me first. I also asked if they needed my medical records in advance and they said no, I could bring them to the appt.
So I don't really know what to expect. No blood work & no medical records to go on, so is she just gonna look at me and say "Hey...so you had the bypass huh....hows that working out for ya?"
Any suggestions? I was thinking of printing out my sparkpeople.com food and exercise logs so they will know what I eat and such. Does your doctor ask about that or is that more of a Nut. visit?
Thanks in advance guys!
Hi Christine! I just had my 1 year post op at my Orchard Medical, where Dr. Barajas is with. I have Dr. Nazdam. They gave me a form to have some blood work done. They should be able to get a hold of your records from you last doctor, and if not may just have a full blood work done. They are a great group of people and yu are in excellent hands. I mentioned the "Butt Pain Syndrone" LOL and that it was a common side effect of losing a good portion of one's bottom. So just write down anything that might be of concern to you . Kim C has Dr Barajas as her doctor so you may want to give her a e - mail to see if she has anything else to add. Good luck and relax, like i said your in excellent hands, Have a great day! Julio
Hi Christine -
At your appt they will ask you to fill out a food log for what you ate the day before (Breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks) and ask if you're taking your vitamins etc...
They'll weigh you in and essentially go over your history with you. You'll probably see the Nurse practitioner first (probably Jessie) and they'll do a normal workup - blood pressure, pulse, etc...then the surgeons come in.
Basically the yearly checkups are to ensure you are staying on track and you're getting in all the nutrition you need. This is your chance to ask any questions you may have, etc...
They'll give you a blood slip on the way out and you'll get a phone call with the results and any action you need to take (if any).
They're a great group and you'll be in good hands!
Take Care.
OH Support Group Leader