3 year Anniversary!
Well, I am not sure anyone even remembers me anymore here, but April 2nd was my 3rd year anniversary. I am 5'8", started at 300 and now weigh 142 which is a bit on the low side, but I am trying to gain back to 150 where I felt very comfortable. From a size 22W to a size 8 or 10;
When I started reading this website 4 years ago (yes, it took me a year to make my decision) I was addicted. I read every profile I could, asked as many questions as I could and still didn't feel prepared for what I went through. I did go in with my eyes wide open though. I used to be a moderator on this site long ago. It was my way of giving back. I also have about 5 people I am an angel to. I still keep in touch with each and every one and feel such a deep bond that has developed into life long friendships. Cathy and I and Steve are meeting tommorrow night for the NBGH support group meeting so Phyllis and Evelyn, if you read this PLEASE try to come.
Here's what I want to say to all who are considering surgery. I can emphasize enough this firmly saved my life in so many ways, physical and mental. You all know the drill by now, I can fit in chairs, people look me in the eye when they speak to me, so many many things. But please, make no mistake, this surgery is very seductive. Seductive in the respect of when you are so overweight, distraught, discouraged and at the end of your rope, you've tried every diet under the sun and then you find this website where story after story people found a life, they talk about shopping and crying in Misses sizes sections, they talk about the improvement in relationships. And the most appealing part? It happens right away. I read all the things that could go wrong and still, knew deep inside I could so this. When I told my family, I told them with or without them I was pushing ahead but to my surprise they were all behind me.
Now let me tell you, I probaly had just about every complication, but I got through them. I have terrific surgeons and when I couldn't get help from one, I found another. I started with Dr. Giles who is at NBGH now and also went to Dr. Reinhold from St. Rapheals. Both were increbibly competent and I highly recommend them.Thier staff, (Jesse, Charlotte) WOW! I won't go into details of my complications here, if you are interested, please emails me at [email protected]. The reason I am putting my email here is because I have made the decision to remove my profile from here. I don't like the fact that if you google my name, my profile comes up. At this point in my life, my surgery isn't all I am. Please don't take that the wrong way, I am not ashamed. I will say there are many days I wish I never had this surgery at all. Some of my friends feel the same way too, but we all know it saved our lives.
So here's my advice, research as much as you can, then research some more. I'll leave my profile through the weekend, and to anyone that has questions, count on me for honesty. There are so many things the doctors don't tell you and warn you about. PLEASE hear that I am NOT knocking this surgery, it worked for me. I DO feel I've extended my life to enjoy with my husband and daughters, there is always a price attached, but if it were easy, it wouldn't be worth it.
I wish you all well, health and big hugs coming your way...............
love and hugs
PLEASE feel g
Congratulations on your 3 year anniversary!!! Of course you are remembered and some of us old timers are still here. You have always been such an inspiration and you've been missed!
Hope you are doing well and remain healthy and happy.
Please keep in touch (I've jotted down your email so I will write you to touch base now and again!!).
OH Support Group Leader
Hi Cheryl
It was good to hear from you again! CONGRATS on your 3rd Anniversary You are still in my mind once a while and missed on Ct message board. I beg you to try come on WLS Picnic Party on June 24th
I will send you private email later and got your email address in my address book.
Miss ya,
Kathy K
Well, my dear- I certainly 'remember' you! Sad to not see you around more. I understand your feelings, for sure. I'm a little further out than you, though I didn't have any complications (luckily) I can understand where your feelings are coming from. Life today, for me, is NOT AT ALL what I could have predicted 4 years ago. Not that I'm saying I'd change anything- I love my life today more than I ever thought possible! But, with dramatic weightloss comes dramatic change in ALL areas of our lives. It comes in ways you'd never expect too- like the loss of friendships, family rifts and divorce for many... Anyway- I digress.
I'm glad to hear that you're doing well and living life to the fullest.
On another note- wanted to ention that takin gyour profile down is not going to remove you from google or any other search engine. the seachr engines catalog and archive pages for quite some time. You might want to consider instead just changing your ID to something ananomous such as initials- Just a thought.
Best wishes to you for future health and happiness,
Lisa C
Lisa, thanks so much for the advice on the search engine. I wish I knew that back when.
Your also so right about dramatic changes, most for the good, but many not so great. Not bad, but not so great as you said. Thank you for remembering me, I do remember you being ahead of me and thinking wow, someday, I'll get there too!!
God bless,