Food & Exercise Log Monday
Good Morning Everybody,
I am running late for work this morning and is tired after being very busy this past weekend!
B-nectar protein drink
S load of water and morning start bar
L cold chicken
S nectar protein drink and load of water
D meatballs (without pasta) with small salad
S Simple smart milk and load of water
Will do nordic walking after work for 3 miles
Have a good workout!
Kathy K
Hey Kathy! I know you hate Mondays so hang in there girl!
B - low carb tuna wrap
S - cottage cheese
L - chicken & a bit of pasta
S - cottage cheese
D - turkey chili
S - south beach bar
Gotta get some more liquids in today. I was a naughty girl and drank this weekend. Now I am slightly dehydrated. All I want to do is , but for some strange reason, they wanted me to actually work today. lol
I didn't do any formal exercise yesterday, spent the afternoon cleaning, so I need to get in at least 30 - 45 minutes today. Depending on the weather I may do something low impact like walking to Walmart (about 2 miles one way) b/****rtainly do not feel like kickboxing today!
Happy Monday guys!
I was here earlier and was worried Kathy hadnt started the post yet. I didnt want to step on toes, so I just patiently waited.
Happy April/Monday/Daylight Savings time to all...
B ~ LS/LF Oatmeal
S ~ coffee w/ splenda
L ~ chicken breast w/ BBQ sauce
D ~ not sure yet but need to get some vegggies in
I have been noticing that I have been a little behind on the veggies lately, ( ) and that is strange for a vegetarian. As I read these posts I notice that I always go for the more filling foods. Althought yesterday we went to Friendly's with the kids for lunch and I had a grilled chicken salad that was fabulous.
Didnt do the gym at all this weekend, but did lots of yard work and went out dancing again. Will go today on my lunch hour.
Have a sprakling day all.
Good morning everyone.
Not a good day for me. Sick all weekend with a really bad cold. On medicine again. YUK, I hate colds. I seem to be getting them more often now. I am taking my vitamins and exercising and damn I get sick again. Oh well.
B: Achiev One Coffee Drink
S: hard boiled egg
L: chicken broth
S: none
D: soup
S: water, water, water
Will try to take a walk today depending on how I feel, my head is so stuffed up and coughing is wearing me out. But its a gorgeous day today so maybe it will help.
Hope everyone is having a great day today.
Love ya all
Hi folks,
B Turkey Balony and cheese roll up
S single serving size of raisens
L Ham and Cheese rolled up ina 6 inch tortilla
S Protien drink
D Buffet night tonight. Leftovers are starting to ple up in the frig. I will have a small piece of meatloaf with a small salad.
Went into work at 1am and worked till 9am so I could go home and shower up for my Year out appointment with my WLS doctor.
All went well. Was planning to get a bit of yard work in but looks like rain is moving in, sigh. Will take a nap instead, LOL Have a great day everyone!
P. S. Kimmie, hope your feeling better!