So, it's been a year!
Hey Big Brother,
Congratulations on all your accomplishments I am so very proud of you. Wow one year already that is awesome. You have come along way since your surgery.
Your one handsome and caring guy and I am proud to call you my friend. I am so very glad you have come into my life and you are always there for me. I like being your little sis.
You and Robin are very special people and I thank you both for being so very nice to me. I hope to get to know you and your family better and we become family and not just friends.
Your the greatest and I am very happy for you and all your success. Keep up the good work. LOOKING GOOD HANDSOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
your little sis

Hi Julio,
Congrats on your 1 year anniversary of your new life. I also would like to Thank You for all the wonderful support you have given to me with all the questions I have had and all the help you have given me. You have made my journey much easier. I love your great sense of humor. So keep up the great work and stay here for all of us to share YOU!! You are a wonderful person Julio.
Thanks and Hugs,
Congratulations on your anniversary. Isn't it amazing how quickly the year goes by?
I just wanted to send my thoughts to you to wish you many more yeards of success and triumphs, you have worked very hard over the past year and I hope that you celebrate your victories and enjoy them all.
Continued success to you my friend.
All the best,
Congrats on all your accomplishments and on your one year anniversary. You are one of the most supportive caring people on this board and I hope you continue to help and inspire everyone. You always seem to have the right thing to say to everyone.
I just wanted to thank you for all that you have done for everyone here on the boards. You are one great guy and your words are proof. I can't wait to meet you (maybe at the summer picnic!).
It is obvious you have worked hard and your results are proof of that. Keep up the good work, because when you succeed people like me who have yet to have surgery are so inspired.
Warm Regards,
Nancy K
Congratulations, Julio!!!!!
You truly are an inspiration to all of us on this board. Also, as you mentioned, you have not only gotten a second chance on living and enjoying life, but it sounds like you have set the stage now for your son to live a longer and healther life as well.
Hi Julio!
Happy 1 Year anniversary to you!
Congratulations on all of your success! You have so much to be proud of! You have come a long way! I wish you many many more years of health, happiness and continued success! Also, thank you for being such a wonderful are such great support to everyone on here at OH, always answering posts, and helping others and giving advice and making people feel better! You are truly and inspiration!
God Bless!

Julio, One year! Down 162lbs!!! What an amazing accomplishment. I am also hoping that I will be better able to set a good example in the food department for my children, who have been following my bad habits. You are a great source of encouragment and information on the CT board. All my best to you with your continued success. Sher L