New Life New Times/Angie Update
Our own "New Life New Times" went into surgery today at 11.30 a.m. and has now officially moved to the losing side. Everything went beautifully and Angie is now recovering on Four North at Middlesex - in my old room!!
I left her at 4.45 and she looked great, was perfectly lucid (how did she manage that?) and smiling happily. Apart from feeling thirsty, she seemed to be doing very well indeed. Feel better soon, Angie; you did it!
Mary M
Hi, Mary!
Welcome back from Paris! We missed you Mon. night...I thought I'd get to hear about your trip. I guess I'll have to wait until Tues. night. Thanks for letting us know about Angie. I was thinking about her yesterday. She must have a much higher tolerance for pain than you were far from lucid at times when Dave & I visited you.