WHOA YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted this on the main MB but want to share it with all my "neighbors."
I can actally say it .......... it's real ........ it's gonna happen ........ drum roll, please ............... (throw in a few trumpets, too)
I HAVE A DATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! April 10, 2006 ... 12 days!!!!
Oh how I have dreamed of being able to say those 4 words!!!!!!!! I go tomorrow for my Endoscopy, chest x-rays and bloodwork. OMG!!!!!!!!! Is there a place higher than Cloud 9? Like Cloud 18 or something?????? Whatever cloud it is ....... I'm there!
First, I have to thank God for making all of this available for everyone that is in need of it and for Him making it go so amoothly for me to get here so quickly. I asked ... He delivered. Then, I, like so many others, have to thank all of you for your insights, motivations, support, sharing your experiences ... good and bad ... and everything else you've offered. All of it has been and will continue to be invaluable. Shee**** sounds like I just won an Academy Award. Actually, it's better than that.
Gotta go change my profile to HAVE A DATE!!!!!
BTW I went for my orientation seminar on March 4th. Little did I know then .....