Back to work...
Today was my first day back at work and several people told me my face looked thinner - I was actually shocked - I don't know if they were saying it to be nice or if they actually noticed a difference - I've lost 14 pounds since the beginning of March - but that's just a tiny drop in the bucket when your 100+ over - but it was nice either way. It was tough to be back because it is just an overwhelming place to work - but in a way it was good to be back to a routine and I'm so lucky (knock on wood) that I'm able to go back! I road my back last night and tonight for 30 minutes and I'm sooooo proud of myself - I've got it set kind of low but I'm actually allowing myself to sweat - not a lot yet - I hate to sweat and I know I need to get over it! I bought an Ipod and downloaded some talk shows and it really helps pass the time while I'm "spinning"...........Just wanted to share a bit of how my life is going...
Best Regards,