So I think I may have a hernia...
So, I am NOT a hypochondriac. I SWEAR! My biggest lap incision is pretty much healed, but it is still really sore (like as sore as it was 1 week post op) with a big dent BUT yesterday at the gym after walking on the treadmill, I coughed and I felt something right under my incision there, I call it a "floop" or a "blip", like tissue moving in and out of a rent in the abdominal muscle when I coughed...
Hopefully it will heal with time. I see my doctor again on the 7th of April. I can't quite eat a full ounce yet either or I get pressure in my chest for about 1-2 hours after eating... Fish was bad, but chicken is going well.
Other than that, what else can go wrong? Oh right, I am on the one month plateau, but I knew that would happen.
I hope it is a tiny hernia that can heal itself - is there anyway you can get to see Dr. Barba sooner? I don't know if waiting 2 weeks is a good idea...... You could do more damage and turn something small into something big - but I'm a very cautious person by nature.
A one month plateau is emotionally tough to endure after going through such a major surgery - it just doesn't seem fair! Just keep battling the good fight Jen - it will come off! If you can't eat a full ounce - what are you eating to survive these days? Maybe you could make some small changes that will help you off the plateau?
Warm Regards,