Well, 23 hours from this very minute I will be getting sedated to have my surgery. I am going under at 9:00 am. Wish me luck. I have to be at Yale at 8:00 and am scheduled for surgery at 9:00. See you all on the losing side!
Dan -
How exciting! Wanted to wish you well with your surgery and the journey that follows. May your surgery go smoothly and your recovery be swift!
Best of luck!!! Keep us posted!!!
ObesityHelp Support Group Leader
Good Luck on your surgery and hope your recovery will be smoothly like a sailboat like mine was! Let us know when you come home from hospital!
Kathy K
Hey Dan! Good Luck and Godspeed as you start your "Journey" You going to love the adventure to a healthy and happier you! Know we are here to answer any questions you have. Again, Good Luck! Julio
All the best to you. I imagine you are anxious and nervous but you know deep down that it will be worth it. This tool will give you the opportunity to be the person you want to be and feel so much healthier.
Hey Dan,
All the best to you. Your in my thoughts and prayers. Welcome to the OH Family. Your on your way to the loser's bench and being part of a great group.
May you have a very successful surgery and a quick recovery. God Bless to you.
Best of luck to you Dan - I hope your surgery is uneventful and your healing progresses rapidly! You're doing a great thing for yourself - just keep that in the front of your mind the entire time you're in the hospital!!
Best Regards,
11 Days Post Op!