New London Support Group Meeting - Wednesday (15 March 2006)
Hi, my name is Holly and I live in Mystic, I was wondering if would be all right if I could come to the meeting. I have been going to the ones in Providence. They are just so far. I had surgery on Sept. 29, 2005 and I have lost 94lbs so far. I hope that I can come. Thank you. My surgery was in Providence so I didn't know if you would let outsiders come to the New London meeting.
Hi Holly
You can come to the support group meeting no matter who your doctor is. It is for pre op and post op people to come to the meeting to meet friends and listen other people to support each other. I am looking forward to meet you there tomorrow. You can find me there because i will have an interpreter with me so That is me!
Take care
Kathy K