Throwing Up/Blood
Hello All,
Last night I had a bad bout of throwing up. I haven't done it in at least a month...I chewed everything well & it was moist..I don't think it settled well...BLECK!
I noticed that there was some "pink" bright spots that definately looked like blood mixed in with mucus...(OK this is gross sorry.) That was the first thing to come up before food. At times it was pretty bright red.
This is the first that I've seen this happen & don't know if maybe I irrated my pouch as the throwing up was pretty darn hard last night.
(At least 4-5 times.)
My pouch feels a little sore today so I'll be taking it easy with some soft foods & yogurt.
Any thoughts? Has anyone else experience spotting?
Thanks bunches,
Hi There,
My pouch is a little sore...other than that I feel fine. It definately was what I ate last night...I had an egg with cheese this morning & it was fine.
I did have the stomach virus a few weeks ago
Thanks for responding to me...I go back next month to Dr. B & will mention it to him then unless I get another ephisode...BLECK.
If it was just a little blood mixed with mucous that's probably related to trauma to the pouch/esophogus from puking.
I would stick to clear liquids today. Warm tea, jello, flat diet ginger ale, nothing more than clear liquids today to really rest the pouch- it is indeed probably a virus not WLS related.
If however you vomit frank blood- more than a few teaspoonfuls of frank blood-you need to go straight to the ER no waiting for a call back from the office- especially since Jessica isn't there running things....
Hi there,
I kept an egg w/cheese in this morning...and I had the stomach bug a few weeks ago...I think it was what I had for dinner last night not sitting well. Other than my pouch being sore I feel fine. (Thank the LORD!)
Definately made me panick a little last night. Today is just soft foods and soup for me.
Should it continue I'll give Dr. B's office a holler...I go back next month for my 1 year check & will mention it to him. I agree with you I probably irritated the pouch because the throwing up was sooooo violent...UGH...
Thank you for your response..I appreciate it!