SO, Who will we be meeting March 4th? WLS GALA
Me and "Jolly Black" will be there and I can't wait! I still have to Woolite my dress so everyone cross your fingers. My domestic skills are not the best. If I am wearing a plain black dress instead of a green gown, you will know that things didn't turn out well. lol
But I am looking forward to seeing everyone that I haven't met yet from the CT board and to see those from the summer gathering that I haven't seen in many months!
Lets pray for good weather and I know we will all have a great time!
Hey Bethany,
I can't wait to see you and Maryjo on Saturday too, its going to be a blast, just like the old days when I use to go out with my girlfriends clubbing. We are going to have so much fun. Party time and boogy time for us my dear.
I can't wait to meet some of the people I have been talking to for so long and have not met yet. And to reconnect with some that I already have met. Its going to be great.
Okay guys get ready for alot of catfighting over your availability for dancing. We are all gonna be fighting over you. lol.
Hugs to all