New to this message board
Hello everyone -
I've been lurking for a week now, so I thought it was time to sign-up. I'm still at the stage of having pre-op appointments. My first visit to the Nutritionist will be on April 5. This visit might be strange since I'm a nutritionist also, but I'm sure I have a lot to learn about WLS dietary issues. I don't know too much about the WLS experience yet, but your posts have all been so helpful. So all I can say is thanks!
I'm hoping to have a surgery date by the end of June. Am I being too optimistic here?
Welcome Arline! I don't know if June is optimistic - from what I can tell it usually takes about 6 months from beginning to end for a lot of people give or take a month - so you might be able to - I see you're going with Dr. Barba - he's going to be giving me a lap band in 13 days! I started the process in July but I had to have 6 months of doctor supervised diet so that's why it's taken me until March to have the surgery.
It's great to know we have a nutrionist participating in our discussions now!
Best of luck to you and I'll cross my fingers that you get your wish for June!
Best Regards,
Count Down: 13 days!
Just wanted to say welcome & hello. I wish you the best of luck in your journey! Regarding a June date- I have no idea- but my thought is- it never hurts to be optimistic!
It should be interesting for you to have to re-think the traditional regarding nutrition. We'll all be interested to hear about your experience. Be sure to post and tell use what your thoughts were.
Lisa C
Thanks for you support. I'll definitely be commenting on nutrition issues if they come up, but I never give unsolicited advice because I don't want to be too irritating.
As far as being a traditional nutritionist, I can be pretty radical.
I once did a seminar on weight loss for medical students. But, instead of teaching about how to lose weight, I cited many, many studies which concluded that after 3-5 years all weight was regained. I also cited the metabolic studies that explained why. Then, concluded by saying that any other treatment with such a low success rate would never be prescribed, so why do doctors continue to prescribe diets?
Needless to say, I was not invited back the following year. I knew this would happen, but I decided it was time for a reality check.
welcome arline,
well i was new to this board about a month ago,but now i feel like some of these people i knew for years,,lol,,you will find that they are a most wonderful,caring ,sincere bunch,i am having surgery on march 9th,and after that i hope to attend one of their dances so i can meet and mingle with them all,i have had several problems in which after posting,i felt the world lifted off my will just love it here,,i wish you the very best in your journey,and dont give up,it takes alot to get alot,,,good luck and keep posting....cyndee
Welcome Arline!!!
This really is a fantastic support group!!
I had my surgery at St. Francis in November. I attended the info session in yours could happen in that time frame or sooner, being optimistic is great!!!
Looking forward to hearing your nutritional input.............since having surgery I am a nutrition freak, I read everything and find it sooooo very interesting..........come to think of it,I loved reading the labels BEFORE know during those 3 months of serious dieting,then to have it all fall apart and resort back to old habits....ugh it was a horrible cycle I tell ya!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank Goodness for WLS!!!!!!!! Its like I knew how to diet and what was good for me and what was not good forme, BUT I would still sabatoge myself!!!
Sorry to ramble, but great topic!!!!
Bethany, You are so right about that nasty Yo-Yo situation. Is there anything worse than having to buy all new clothes for spring because you've regained another couple of sizes? I'm looking forward to having to buy smaller sizes for a change.
Keep reading those labels, food manufacturers are always trying to fool you. Yesterday when I was at the grocery store where there were all these great cookies with giant "no cholesterol labels" on them. This means they were made with Crisco instead of lard. They had tons of saturated TRANS fat which is even worse than lard!