NBC30 News story, Pt. 2
Can you ask someone from NBC to interview with you about your WLS and use your tools to make successful and happier to feel freedom after WLS. You cna speak up about what people says to us like other lady said on other day.You can explain to them that we are not looking for a quick fix and it was our last choice after tried everything for diets and exercise which are not sucessfully. We were educated by our doctors and group support people that it is not going to be easy after WLS. I hope you will be on TV and I will watch you on TV GO FOR IT!!!!!
Kathy K
Hi Bob,
Well, here I sit, one month out, having wicked trouble keeping anything other than liquids down, , very low energy, and in general feeling pretty darned icky. And then along come good ole' Channel 30 to tell me what a "cop-out" I am. Oh Boy! Not good timing! So I thought I too would just drop them a little email. I worked long & hard to get my surgery and to follow my doctor's orders, get my self out to support meetings, etc. It really "frosts my cupcakes" (you know, the ones we can't have anymore ) to see that kind of nonsense presented as hard "news".
Your story regarding the woman who lost 150lbs without the "cop-out" of using weight-loss surgery does an enormous disservice to your viewers. Your presentation of such remarks without presenting any oppposing viewpoint suggests your tacit approval and agreement with her. If you have done any research on WLS you will know that it is FAR from being a cop-out! It is a tool by which an obese person who cannot lose weight any other way can finally make lasting, healthy and positive changes in their life and body. I am a 51 year old disabled woman who was semi-ambulatory due to factors including, but not exlusively due to my obesity. Diet alone could not allow me to lose sufficient weight to make a difference. And excercise was just about impossible. I underwent Gastric Bypass one month ago and have lost 50lbs so far. This includes 20lbs I lost before the surgery. I can already feel the difference in my ability to ambulate, etc. This is a major committment I have made to increasing the quality and length of my life and I resent, in the extreme, your presentation of WLS as a "cop-out" One of your staff should attend an area WLS support group and see the work we do to change and improve our lives. Then, go call us "cop-outs", but try doing it to our faces rather than present one person's opinion as "hard news".