NBC 30 news story . . . . .
I don't usually watch the news and almost never watch NBC30 (Channel 6 in Norwalk) but I happened to have it on tonight.
They just featured a woman that lost 150 pounds through diet and excersize. She's proud to tell everyone that she did it through diet and excersize, not by pills or surgery. Surgery, gastric bypass, that she calls "A cop out". She further goes on to tell you that bypass doesn't fix the problem, you can stretch your stomach, and you can gain your weight back.
This witch has got me fired up and you can read the e mail that i just sent to the TV station below. I don't know if they will show it again on the 6:00 or 11:00 news, I caught it on the 5:00 broadcast. Isn't it nice to know that there are STILL uneducated fools out there? I don't know about you, but I am honored to be in the company of all the rest of you that have "copped out" with me.
Have a great night everyone,
How nice of you to feature that woman who lost all that weight on her own. God Bless Her, more power to her. But to say that Gastric Bypass is a cop-out is a bit rude. Had it not been for gastric bypass 2 years ago by a highly skilled surgeon, I would be in a very serious medical state today. Yes, they do reduce the size of your stomach, yes, you can stretch it out again, no, it's not the quick fix that so many people think that it is. It is a tool. A tool that you must work and work with every day for the rest of your life. It's a choice that we make in order to have a quality of life that so many obese people have never been able to enjoy prior to their surgery. What knowledge does this woman have about gastric bypass? Has she researched it at all? Has she spoken to any patients? Does she know the work, bothe pre- and post-op, that it entails? I'd love to know her credentials. Congratulations again on your success, but before you bash others, get your facts together.
OMG, I saw the story and I could not reply fast enough via email to the station. It is the second time I have had to write to them to tell them to research what they broadcast before they air it.
I told them that Gastric Bypass is a tool and we do have to change our lifestyles that include excercise and nutrition and had they done their homework, they would of not aired that woman saying "it only changes your insides". Talk about ignorant...
Here's my email to them:
This is the second time I have addressed a Health segment on your 5:00 news. I think you need to do more research before airing certain things. The woman who lost weight on her own (hurray for her!), was absolutely wrong about Gastric Bypass surgery. I can't believe you would air her stating that Gastric Bypass does not change your way of eating or your lifestyle, only your insides. Had any research been done, you would know that any of the Weight Loss surgeries are just tools and it is up to the individual to make it work for them. A change in lifestyle, including exercise and eating is a must for these surgeries to work. It is NOT the easy way out by any means.
It would be nice to research your topics before airing erroneous information. Shame on you!
It makes me see red!!
Nancy K
That was awesome Bob, I am so glad you did that. You should be very proud of yourself. I am so tired of people bashing the surgery we are all wonderful, caring and loving people here and we had to do this for our health. To say its a cop out, well she is an idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am so tired of all these shows, papers and articles coming from people who have no idea what we have all gone through in our lives and how scary it was and is for us.
Thank you so much for your heroism to send that email. Your a wonderful person and I am proud to call you family.
Arggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh I get so Agravated over shows like this.. OH LOOK AT ME I DID IT THE RIGHT WAY.. Who is to say what is the right or wrong way?? They don't realize how hard we have to work at it also.. Not to mention I would like to have them re-interview her this time next year and lets just see how "BIG" she is then.. (Did I just say that) God I am so mean.. Sorry.. I mean really does she think her stomach can't grow ever again??? Arghh I am done B^**&ng thanks..
OK, my man...
Glad you had the "you-know-whaties" to write a letter to NBC.
Express your opinion... have it be known bud... speak up and loud!
And as 99.99% of us know... ANYBODY can gain their weight back...
I say you write to Cablevision, Channel 12.
I know that Heather Kovar does a "what is bugging you" spot.
And then there is the lady who does (what I think are) the editorial spots. Can't find her name at the moment.
On a lighter and more hopeful note... I just read this post on the Main Message board.
DS is now "reasonable and necessary"
There are alot of people who do not understand about gastric bypass & Lap Banding and think us who are looking for quick fix but it is not true. It is hardest work and use our tools to make us to be successfully. That woman have not met success like us who stick our tools . If we will invite her to join with all of us (Esspecially Betty who have very good strong talk and make good points) then she will reliaze she is wrong about our WLS and lap banding . We all know we did the right things and still educate people out there! Keep your active fitness into your lifestyle then you will be healthier, happier and enjoy more FREEDOM before you had this WLS. Keep your hard work up
Kathy K
As for people to "cop out" with. I couldn't be in better company. You certainly told them where it was at. Yup, it's me. I actually logged in to OH lol. The only way to educate people I've found is to "educate" them every chance I get. After 2 years I'm still in awe of the number of people who think this operation was "the easy way out".