What is the coffee deal?
Hi Chrissy (I'm a full time Mom, Full time worker and college student too!) ;)
I saved this posting that this guy DxE posted on the main board regarding coffee - this guy always does a ton of research on stuff and I usually learn something from his posts....
Anyway - since you asked the question, I thought you might be interested in what he has to say...
Morning Coffee? Yes or No?
Original Post by Dx E at 3:39 AM PST on 01/27/2006
Oxford, MS - RNY (07/13/2003) - R. Walker Byars, M.D.
Hey Folks,
Coffee? Or No Coffee?
Many Dr.'s advise against it.
I've seen this question a number of times-
Why No Caffeine?
And the responses are incredibly varied.
Although Caffeine is a MILD Diuretic,
It is often presented without the "Mild,"
And its powers to dehydrate us are often Overstated.
Yes, it does contribute to dehydration but not at
A level that is significantly higher
Than talking a walk
Or being exposed to "Air Conditioned" Air
For a prolonged time.
I wanted the "Absolute End All Info" from my surgeon
And his explanation was this-
"It's not so much the Dehydration issue that causes me to
Advise people to give up caffeine prior to their surgery, but
The negative impact it has on Healing and the formation of
Scar tissue."
Caffeine constricts the capillaries,
Those smallest of the small little
Tubes in our circulation system.
It is in the capillaries that the exchange between the blood
And the cells of the body takes place.
Here the blood releases its oxygen and takes on carbon dioxide,
Except in the lungs, where the blood picks up oxygen
And releases carbon dioxide.
In the special capillaries of the kidneys,
The blood gives up many waste products
In the formation of urine.
Capillary "beds" are also the sites where white blood cells
Are able to leave the blood
And defend the body against harmful invaders.
Capillaries are so small
That when you look at blood flowing through them
Under a microscope,
The cells have to pass through in single file.
When these capillaries constrict,
All of these activities are reduced.
Even though Caffeine is a "Vasodilator,"
(a substance that causes blood vessels, deeper in the body
To become wider by relaxing the smooth muscle in the vessel wall)
That is only the larger veins and arteries,
Caffeine is one of the few Vasodilators,
(along with the herb- feverfew)
That has the exact opposite effect
On the small blood vessels- Capillaries.
Since the area of a trauma or cut need extra
Blood/oxygen/food exchanges in order to heal the tissue,
Anything that constricts the capillaries
Slows the production of new tissue- Healing.
It is the same with nicotine.
Someone who smokes and
Consumes even moderate amounts of caffeine,
"Heals" or generates new tissue 40% to 60% slower
Than those who do not.
This also accounts for the less elastic and more wrinkled skin
Or those who smoke and consume caffeine.
Doing a little extra internet and library research-
There are numerous other
Bad things about caffeine, such as-
A significant association between caffeine
And decreased bone mineral density.
(however, this is off set by just one serving of milk per day)
In Pregnancies, mal-formations in fetus,
And prior to becoming pregnant, caffeine reduces fertility rates.
(However, these effects have only been seen in rats
And no Human studies have ever been sited as conclusive)
The list of-
"Bad, but not too...."
Goes on and on.
Caffeine, it seems, is one of the most studied of
Compounds that we humans take into our bodies
And the effects, Other than the Constriction of Capillaries,
Is marginal and in nearly every study, rides the fence of
What could be considered "Significant."
Even the constriction of the Capillaries
In combination with it's mild Vasodilator effects,
Are a Good Thing, If you are trying to reduce
The symptoms of a Migraine headache.
Since my Doc is a Bariatric Surgeon,
I asked specifics as to how it would effect my Pouch.
Once again, it's a "Fence Sitter."
Yes, coffee is a mild irritant to the pouch and should be avoided early on.
But, It's not the caffeine.
It's the mild acids from coffee that are present even in
De-Caf, so switching to De-Caf for it's benefits on pouch irritation
Is a little like switching from Bourbon to Scotch
So you can Drive home safely from the party.
Just some "Food for Thought" about caffeine-
It's the only "psycho-active substance"
That We, in fact every country on the planet,
Regularly dispenses to children.
Cokes, chocolate, etc...
Although sites touting the "Benefits of Caffeine"
(see below)
All include the persuasive fact that it is "Natural"
"Occurring in Nature" and some how this makes it
"Not a Drug."
The THC active ingredient in marijuana
Also fits this bill as does nicotine,
But we would be hard pressed to think of them as
"Safe" because of that fact.
Dame Tooter dropped on an excellent link to-Energy Fiend.-
That tells how much caffeine is in which drinks and foods.
And an exceptional source for information
About caffeine can be found at-
It's sort of a compilation of EVERYTHING-
Pro and Con, to be found about caffeine.
Are there some benefits of caffeine?
Other than the "boost" to the nervous system
Often helpful while making a long drive home at night,
Other benefits have been touted, ranging from -
Lowering incidence in Parkinson's disease,
Its association with lowered incidence of Alzheimer's Disease,
And, even the reduction of gallstone formation associated with caffeine use.
The benefits here were all in literature published by
The "good people" of Vivarin, a Caffeine tablet, and so
The research or at least the "interpretation of it
Is a little suspect. Sort of like "The Benefits of Tobacco"
As presented by Phillip Morris Co..
Do be on guard and take a "Grain of Salt" with a lot of the
"Caffeine Information" to be found on the Web.
Such sites as-"Everything You Need to Know About Caffeine"
Are publications of the
International Food Information Council (IFIC) Foundation
Which is an "informational organization funded by the beverage
Industry. Sort of a "Public Lobby Group," that "spins" information
In a positive light for those who fund the publications. In other words-
Highly specialized advertisement.
As to the Metabolic benefits?
A study published in this July's edition of "Neuropsychobiology" -
Has found that sustained caffeine use
Has No significant enhancing effects on performance
Or mood and does not provide a restorative effect after poor sleep.
Caffeine got your tongue?
A new study suggests caffeine--
Potentially because of how it interacts with neurons in the brain--
Might actually hinder your short-term recall of certain words.
"tip-of-the-tongue (TOT) phenomenon" where you Know something
But the name or fact "escapes you" just for a bit-
""You know! What's his name! I can believe I can remember it right now."
This slip between long-term memory and short term recall
May be caused by too much caffeine.
Article at-
It's clearly not a Black and White issue
But then again few things are.
But this long ramble about caffeine?
I saw a question about
"Why No Coffee?" out on the main board,
And I had already gotten in one cup too many this morning.
I guess that the other reason to avoid-
You could end up writing yard-long posts
On the OH Message Boards!
Best Wishes-
I stayed away from coffee for the first year. Now I drink 1 cup in the AM.
Now, the DD Lite hazelnut Latte is another story lol. I have one usually in the afternoon as a treat 1 or 2 times a week. On days I feel really wealthy I have a Grande Sugar-free Hazelnut Latte at Starbucks. I am always cautious about never getting sugar. I always go inside to get it. I make sure by telling them 462 times NO SUGAR PLEASE. In the first week out of the hospital I found out I was one of the lucky ones who dumps easily. I actually dumped on an Atkins shake, drank it too fast. Some people can eat sugar, I can't. If you've never dumped take it from one who knows and don't test it.