St. Francis Support Meetings
I had a thought and was wondering if anyone could chime in and give theirs as well.....
St. Francis has a branch over here at the Farmington Valley YMCA, I was wondering how to go about starting a support group there in addition to the regular hosptial group. The YMCA would allow us to have a room to have our meetings.
Is there is anyone out there interested in having a support meeting at the Y? We would go about it much like Carla's and Debby's meetings..........
The YMCA is close to Simsbury, Granby, Avon, Suffield, East Granby, Tarrifville, Canton Hartland, Barkhamsted etc ......That neck ofthe woods
Just a thought and any suggestions would be much apprecitated~
Hi Girls,
Thanks for your interest!!! The Farmington Vally YMCA is in Granby:
Farmington Valley YMCA
97 Salmon Brook Street
Granby, CT 06035
Phone: 860-653-5524 ? Fax: 860-653-8261
When and what time we have the meetings I think will depend on what works for most people...............If we get enough people interested that is.
Granby to Somers is about 35-40 minutes..............I go to the 4H Fair every year in Somers!!!
Yes this meeting would be for post-ops, preops family, and just for people who want to talk,learn and share more about WLS...........
I hope more people can share their views on this very premature idea!! hahaha
Hi Bethany - FYI - I spoke to one of my friends tonight who is going for the lap band on 2/28 with Dr. Barba and told her you were thinking of forming a support group and she said she would also be interested in joining.
Also, even though I haven't spoken to her yet, I'm sure my other friend who had the Bypass with Dr. Barba in October would be interested as well.
So count the 3 of us in if you're still working on getting something going.....
Best Regards,
Count Down: 15 days!