I will SURVIVE!!! Thanks to my OH friends!!
THanks to all that responded to my puree post. I am heeding all advice and thank you all for your support...I actually went out with Ron (my #1 fan and hero) today for lunch...he was so sweet, kept looking at the menu and trying to help me ....The waitress was geat as well when I asked for "just a scoop of tuna..NOTHING ELSE"...no weird looks....so I now sit here trying desperately to digest..I know it will get better....(although I looked pretty funny chewing that tuna into mu****ell ya)
My pain is tolerable with the help of a lidocaine patch applied directly over the spot (my lower belly 'apron area'...doc said nerves were cut or damaged)...all my "official" incisions are healing wonderfully!! As far as the weight thing ....I am staying off the scale for at least three days to a week...life is too short to be miserable about a number...
So, thanks again my wonderful OH friends for being there when I needed you!!!