Food/Exercise Log/ Thursday
Good Morning,
Today is another mild weather day.... great for walking!!! hint hint. I enjoyed the L&M support group meeting last night with guest speaker Carol Klammer who is a yoga instructor. Yoga is my favorite form of exercise-- great for body and mind. Thanks Beth for an interesting meeting.
Today, I will do 30mins nordic walking at work and yoga this evening.
B- 1 sl cinnemon toast w/ mozz cheese
s- Yogurt, nf
L - salad w/chicken
s- s. beach diet bar
D - chicken fajita no tortilla shell
s - sf popcicle
have a great day
Ok, I am crazy. How did I miss this post before I did mine? lol I am a silly girl sometimes. I'll just repost here.
B - cottage cheese w/ pecans
S- protein bar
L - tuna on salad
S - protein shake w/coffee
D - ribs (leftovers from dinner last night)
I said that I wasn't going to exercise last night (it being my anniversary and all) but I wound up doing it anyway. I felt like I had too much of a fatty dinner so I just had to exercise. Is that responsible or just nutso? At any rate, more Leslie Sansome tonight.
Good morning everyone,
Its a beautiful day out today. I hope there is no more snow in our future. I love when the sun is out.
B: Atkins Coffee Latte Protein Shake
S: rest of shake
some wheat thins
L: ham and lf cheese rollups
S: sf jello
D: not sure yet
S: sf philly swirl
Lots of my waters today, will be walking at break today. Can't wait am seeing Dr Barajas at 1:30 today. I need to know why I am not losing. Its driving me crazy. You are all probably sick of hearing me say this. I am sorry for complaining so much, I am just so disgusted.
Will do my exercise bike tonight when I get home after going out with my mom to a dem. See how tired I am first.
I hope everyone has a great day today. Take care all.
Afternoon Folks! What a day! Gotta love it!
B 1/2 cup Kashi Crunch cereal with a few fresh strawberrys and 1/2 cup of skim milk.
S Cheese stick
L 3oz's Seafood salad with a few grape tomato's and a little green onion
S Protien Shake
D Have some leftover pork roast , will have a salad with it.
Lots of heavy lifting at work today so will just hop on the Nordic Trac for a bit. Everyone have a great evening!
Hey everyone, I don't post much in the CT forum, so I guess I should start.
B- 2 teasp nf cottage cheese, 1/2 plum w/o skin
S- protein shake
L- 2 Ham and cheese rollups slice of pineapple dipped in NF yogurt
S- water (shouldve been more protein)
D- 2oz. homemade chicken salad 1oz. steamed spinach
S- dont know maybe fruit again