UGH, Puree Torture!!!!!
Okay, I am still so blessed to have had this surgery but I am a bit discouraged.....Can someone please tell me how long I will feel like crud (no energy, sore belly) now that I am on purees?? Also, I have gained back two is this possible?? I feel like I did a few days after surgery NOT two weeks post-op......I walk up the stairs and get winded...Does any of this sound familiar?? My doc said I look great...but I feel....BLAH!!! Not depressed just NO energy no get up and go...been taking vitamins...and eating protein but day 2 of feeling like I am in a FOG..Does anyone have a foghorn they can blow and wake me up??!?!?
Hey Andrea,
Take a deep breath and relax. You will get past this. Like Julio said it takes baby steps. I hated the puree stage. I will go by so fast it will be just a memory for you.
Your doing great sweetie, take it day by day and you will get there. Next step is soft foods and then regular. You will be okay I promise you that.
We have all been there.
Keep up the good work and God bless.
Ohhh Andrea I know honey I know....Don't even look at the scale. Immediately post op you are "dry" low on fluids- no solids have been in your system- the weight loss immediately post op is deceiving- because then as you re hydrate and start puree- you incur a fluid shift and may even be retaining a bit more fluid wise than normal. So ignore the scale- as my surgeon said it is IMPOSSIBLE to NOT lose weight - you simply CAN"T get enough calories at this point to maintain weight- you will be losing fat. SO don't worry- and puree isn't bad- experiment with what you can mash or blend up- you'll be surprised. Remember to add moisture- broth or such to meats- or they will feel like the are stuck in your esophogus and you are gonna die LOL. Try smoothies- some fat free sugar free plain yogurt, a scoop of unjry or beneprotein, a packet of chocolate instant breakfast (SF of course) and a few small slices of banana-skim milk yuuummmmy! And full of protein and some potassium to help re balalnce your body chemistry- yogurt to help your intestinal flora....protein. Good stuff.
Andrea, You have surgery the day before me so we are pretty much on the same path. I almost hate to report I feel really well.
I dont really have any soreness left unless I rub my belly.
I went back to work the following Monday and have gone about my usual schedule.
But....everyone is different. You may heal slower than me. How do your incisions look? Do you have pain on the inside or outside?
They say it could be a good few weeks before you feel like youself again. I guess you are right on schedule.
I can sure understand the puree hell thing you got going on. I am in that too, but its better than liquids so its on the way up! Also I was losing much faster on liquids. I have been up and down 2 lbs since I started mushies a few days ago. So I think my body is adjusting since its not used to getting the food. Cause I certainly have not been over doing it.
Please keep me posted. I will keep you in my thoughts.