Food Log
Well, went out about 5am to go get the paper and it was snowing like crazy so guess it will be an "Inside Day" today! Will try to keep the urge to "Graze" underv control. Have made a few Suger Free Jello containers and picked up some beef jerky yesterday when I went shopping to have about if the urge hits
B Toasted english muffin with a poached egg.
S 1/2 a banana
L Have the makin's for some Chicken Fajita's all cut up and marinating so will just throw it all together when the time comes.
S Will have a protien shake
D Hopefully the snow will end and can get out there to clear it out so will definitly me a Soup event!
Had a great time at the party I went to yesterday! Managed to drop a few jaws when my friends I hadn't seen for years got a look at me. Was soo funny, One friends wife just kept saying, "Holy S_it!" LOL Felt good.
Every one have a great day and break out the DVD's as it's going to be a stay home day for sure! Take care,
BBBRRRRRRrrr. It is cold. And boy do I sure feel it now--even with my long johns on.
B-1 slice of toasted rye bread with a slice of cheese broiled
L-1/2 cup of beef vedgie soup with no broth and 1/2 turkey sandwich with mustard instead of mayo
S-Healthy heart cereal with dried fruit and almonds
D-Homemake beef barley soup with a bite of homemade buttermilk biscuit
S-graham cracker with peanut butter
Lots of herbal tea mixed with nectar(fuzzy naval). Actually tastes pretty good.
Will be a reading day for me. That and the food channel. Ij ust love rainy and snowy Sundays. Tomorrow I finally go back to work for 1/2 days after 2 months out sick. Yippeeee... Linnie
Good morning all,
Happy Snow Day. Its a good one out there today. Got up around 6am and looked outside. WOW, what a sight and BRRRR its a cold and windy one too.
Make sure you all stay warm and be very careful when you shovel. There is alot out there. I think we got about 10+ inches. My hubbie is going out now to attempt to snowplow some. Our neighbors are great they all come out to help eachother, its a great street we live on.
B: Strawberry Protein Shake with Carbsmart milk
S: sf jello
L: tuna salad on tomato with lf cheese
S: sf philly swirl
D: roast beef small piece and a veggie
S: sf philly swirl
Lots of fluids today, still feeling alittle crampy from the monthly curse. Yesterday was terrible, but I am doing better today.
Erin and Tom are going to attempt to go sledding today at her old elementary down the street. The kids are loving this weather, my neighbors are already out with theirs.
Thanks Julio, for always thinking of me. Your a great friends. Hugs to you and your wife.