Almost a week post-op
Let me first say, I thank God for for this web-site. I am so grateful for all the support in kind words, whic I have received. I am truly so grateful. Middlesex Hospital was GREAT. Jo and the other guy he was african so nice 11-7am. fran and Mellisa 7-3, Ida and I forgot the other lady name 3-11pm. The lady who gave us the class before surgery. Dr. Aranow and his other health workers was so wonderful. I'm telling u I'm am so grateful, Its like I was treated like I was on vacation, Fran washed my back and put lotion on it for me. I am not used to all this because I enjoy giving and helping others, So this was like wow. My family omg are the greatest. My hubby has been on crutches since dec 6, 2005. His third cast was suppose to come off like 2 weeks before my surgery. The doctor said, another csr until 13th of Feb. So lucky it my hubby right leg in cast, he always drove with his left leg. So he drove me up to Middletown stayed over first night. I felt better if he was home with children 16,13,14 and 9. So he went home that was a reelief of anxiety. All I kept thinking was my children. But its all good my children wont let me pick up a broom, bend nothing. I walk around the house 34 times a day,thats equal to 17times in Hospital=1mile. I am following this liquid diet no if ands or butts about it trust me. The pain gets better by the day. I also enjoy my sugar free goodies, puddings, jello and pops and yogurt. SO with all that see I have alot to be grateful for. Oh yeah I wanted to let everyone know that Debbie Marcus is so sweet, no honestly . I've had so many questions before and after, she has really been there for me and I am so happy to have her in my life. So with all that. I will try to learn how to set up web page so I can start sharing pics, Can someone help me or give me a someone to call. So until next time to call of my buddies thx, thank you, gracious, good, :")))).