Looking for a nutritionist in my area!
Hi gang,
Can anyone tell me the name and number of a nutrtionist in the New Haven/ Fairfield County areas. I am post op but looking to get back on track after feeling like crap for a year! Have lost just about all of my weight but dealing with constant stomach pain and a gastro-gastric fistula.
I looked at the names of nutritionists on this site, but some do not have the phone numbers listed. The other was no longer in service. I have tried the internet, phone book etc. No luck. Thanks, Jaime from Hamden
Hey Jaime! I don't know the names of any nutritionists but I saw your name and just wanted to say hello! I went to a couple of your thyroid support group meetings a few years back when they were held at the library in stratford. You are such an advocate for thyroid patients..God Bless you and all you have done for so many. Glad to see you are doing well, aside from the stomach pain/gastro-gastric fistula Hope you get to the bottom of that. If you find a good nutritionist, let me know! I am pre-op with Dr. A and just found out his nutritionist put in her two weeks notice! Take care and hope all is well with you and all those you love. Angie