Hey Bree :)
I ate and LOVED Miso Soup during my pre-op diet!!!
Its made with tofo and its sooooooooo good!!!
I did lots of carnation Instant breakfast....the already made ones are so yummy!!!
I also had lots of popsicles and jello!!!
You can do it and its all worth it!!!!!!!! YOu want your liver nice and tiny when they go in there.....
I am almost 3 months out and have lost 56 pounds!!!!!!
Its all worth it I promise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bethany - They just started taking away the carnation instant breakfast option for pre-op at Dr. Barba's office - they want all patients to drink this stuff called advanced recovery that's supposed to help with healing after the surgery - it's pretty expensive and it tastes like crap....you can still have the broth, jello and popsicles....... it's not a tasty change that's for sure!
Just a little FYI for you!
Warm Regards,
P.S. Congratulations on the 56 pounds -that is absolutely fantastic - you must feel so good!