Bon Voyage Towanda!
I have to give my benevolent daughter and son-in-law
the credit for finding the info for this orphanage.
My continued wish for your heart to heal in the following days, since your Mom's passing.
I dare say that your mother will be in the hearts of many... even those who did not meet her in person.
I, for one, feel as if she gave me the message that being a person of substance and helping others ...
IS the way to go... with strength and purpose.
I will carry that with me.
Nurse Lou is at work and I snuck downstairs to the computer. SHHHHHHHHHHHH, Don't tell.
Hope this gets to you in time, Have GREAT time, enjoy the sun and fun and I can't wait to hear about the rapelling and the karaoke. I guess we'll figure out a way to stay warm here.
My best to your family as well. About the cottage cheese, something makes me think that untill you find it, no crew member on that ship is going to get a moments rest.
All the best, and bon voyage.
Bobby! what makes you think I am a ferret? ! Huh?
I did not come visit you in fear that my tummy bug is still with me
and I would leave you with it.
I am so sorry for not seeing you prior to leaving!
I will miss your encouraging smile and comments.
Oh Nurse Lou!
talk soon.
BON VOYAGE T...I know you're gonna have a fabulous time!! Hope you're bringing a video camera because I really want to see you singing karaoke and your skinny self in the little speedo (is Cliff wearing a speedo too?)!!
I'm gonna miss you at support group. Guess I'll just have to make do with Bob and Al!! But we'll mourn your absence by not going out together after!!
I'm looking forward to your emails from the ship!! Au revoir et bon voyage!!
Kim K.