Many thanks to everyone
I just want to thank all of you for your thoughts and prayers over the past few days. As you may have heard my mom passed away. It has been a very difficult few weeks. It was so heart warming to see some of my fellow OH members at my Mom's wake. If you get a chance, find a copy of Tuesday's 1/18, New Haven Register, there was an article in the "A life Remembered" section. She was a wonderful woman. At her eulogy, we said she brought thousands of babies into this world...but 4 of us were lucky enough to call her mom.
If you still have a mother, call her & tell her you love her.
Thank you again,
The real reason we are going on a cruise is to bring my mom
to as many places for fun and sharing as we can
while she is still kicking and grooving.
It will be a true family affair
(Me, hubby, daughter/son-in-law... and of course mom).
She too, is larger than life, for us.
Thanks again for the reminder!
Hey Kelly,
I am so glad to see you back on the boards. I just wanted to send you all my love and prayers. I wish I could of been there for you through this tough time. I almost lost my mom a twice, once to breast cancer and then to a surgery gone wrong. God was watching over us and kept her safe. I thank him every day I still have her. She lost her mom a few months ago and its been so hard for her. I miss my nonny terribly, but she lived a good life she was 93.
I am here for you if you need anything. Your a wonderful person and always there for alot of us on the boards, now its your turn. You take care of yourself and be strong. She is your guardian angel now.
Love ya
Dear Kelly,
Please accept my condolences on the loss of your Mother. Take time now for yourself to allow yourself to grieve and to somehow get through your emotions. It will get easier with time, but you never truly get "over" it.
Your memories will sustain you now...that's the good thing.
Hang in there..
I haven't been on the boards very long and don't really know you. However, you apprear to be a wonderfully courageous, generous, and loving spirit. I'm 100% sure that your mom had something to do with that and that speaks to the kind of woman she was. Aren't the angels lucky to have her.
May time heal your sorrow and God grant you peace.
take good care,
Gina B.