I'm home and on the mend!
So. when does this catfight begin?? I'm waiting. . . .
Thanks everyone so much for caring, your e mails, your posts to the boards. They really mean alot.
I'm doing ok. A bit sore and ouchie here and there, and these drains are NO walk in the park, that's for sure. I saw the Dr. on Wednesday, he was very happy with the results. I saw everything for the first time on Wednesday too. WOW!! Pretty amazing.
So, I am up and around, walking a bit, not online alot though because the computer is not on the same floor as me, and Nurse Lou has strict rules (that I bend every now and then). Taking my percocets and doing ok.
I go back to the Dr's on Weds, and hopefully these drains will be out and I'll really feel alot better. Till then, I'm laying low and doing what I'm told.
Thanks again to everyone. Your caring and well wishes have meant alot. You guys are the best and I hope that I'll get to meet some of you in the future.
All the best,
Hey Bob!
So Glad to hear from you! Well, if you go to the Spring gala, I am sure the girls will be lined up ! LOL........ You better go! SO I can see the new you and vice versa!
It will get better each day, I am so happy for you! How much did they take off?
The drains are the worst part! They don't really hurt but just a pain. You know what? I still have both mine in! UGGGGGGGGGGGHH! Hopefully one will come out on friday. The other one I bet will be in a nother week. They say if they are still draining more than 20cc a day it is best to keep them in until they get under that amount . If they take them out too early, the chances of getting a seroma are higher and also fluid build-up and I have heard alot of people getting that and then they had to take a big syringe and drain in every other day...ouch.......
Anyway! Congratulations! I hope you took pics! Keep in touch! Talk to you soon!
Hey Bob,
I am glad to see you on Ct Message board and was wondering how do you manage with your pains after surgery. Tell us how much your doctor took off your extra skin off? Think Summer You will be a wild guy with alot of ladies chase you while you wear nice bath suit with flat stomach It will be here before you know !
Take easy and rest
Kathy K
yeah Bob!!!! Take your pain meds and remember the last vestiges of "Big Boy Bob and his Boobs" are bye bye!!!! Its's just "the Bobinator, heartbreaker" from here on out...break out the Speedo and hit the beach!!! Well, make sure you are all healed first...sand in the wounds wouldn't be prudent. As a nurse, and strong advocate of narcotic usage, I say- make sure you take the Percocet just before you go to the doctor to get the drains out. Hydarte hydrate hydrate and eat protein protein protein!!!!!
I am so glad you felt weel enough to get online!
You sound great! I am so glad you are doing so well....
WE GOTTA DO THE SPRING GALA! OMG, get you all dressed up, you'll be pimpin! How many people can we get to go to the GALA????? lets chat about it!
See you soon!
Sweet Mammy (Claudette Sparkette)