What next??

on 6/1/09 9:57 am - Rockville, CT
Sooo here I was thinking that this would be a good year.. had surgery to get straightened out from an ongoing  mess ... had my blood worked on just about 2 weeks ago... starting to feel like my "old self a little"

Went to train for the company last week in NJ as a follow-up for a company conversion  did what I thought was a great job..

Come in to my normal routine.. & at 5:00 was given my pink slip... OMG...

Funny thing is I'm RELIEVED.. I knew in my gut it was coming.. felt it since just about a year ago... burnt out from my management position.. and saw the writing on the wall for me.  Was hoping that it wouldn't have happened at least until end of summer...

I'm not in tears.. I'm not fearful.. I don't feel ANYTHING over the layoff.. I'm either in denial.. or it hasn't hit me yet.. I believe the good Lord closes a passage to a book for a good reason & I believe he knew it was time for me.. (other factors on a personal level)

Soooo.. not going to rush... just hate the fact the company didn't give a severance or anything.. NADA... been there just about 4 years.  Plus it's pressure on my husband now.

Have a vacation planned & payed for at the end of June so still taking it.. with what little money we can scrounge together & then let the hunt begin...

HATE having to start over in an economy & job market that sucks... It'll be good though to have a few weeks off just to refocus... make sure I feel GOOD.. before taking another job..would hate to have a setback after all of this.    

I know the Lord has a great sense of humor... UMMMM.... trying to see the funny side of the start to this year?  LOL?? 

Kathy W.
on 6/1/09 4:54 pm - Enfield, CT
RNY on 01/15/08 with
Good luck. At least the health is improving.

I shall now be know as Hagatha: Queen of the queens.

Baby 7-09

Xavier Elliott born 10-5-10

on 6/2/09 2:18 am - Bristol, CT
Just to give you a compliment. You have always had a positive attitude related to anything you are going through. You will make it through this as well as everything else.
You are an inspiration.
on 6/2/09 4:31 am - Rockville, CT
Thank you Kathy.. I try to remain positive in everything I do.. LOL... have to laugh.
I think if I didn't have faith & pure stubbornness over everything that has taken place to me this past 1 1/2 years I'd have given up the ship by now.

I do believe everything happens for a reason & purpose...today the tears did happen.. not a "woe is me" pity party.. more ticked off at the situation.  

I know I'll come out on top.. this time it'll take a bit longer that's all.   I'm all ready stir crazy & need to keep myself busy.. cleaned the bathroom.. went to the gym earlier... & will eventually start attacking a 4-year old resume. 

Some of my former collegues have reached out to me in a positive manner & are not happy with the decision that was made by my former GM... that made me feel good that at least I made a difference while I was in my position.
This too will pass & I believe doors are going to open up for me when the timing is right & I am physically & emotionally ready to take on a new employment journey. 

In the meantime..going to focus on me for a few weeks & be selfish.. go to the gym.. get the work outs I want.. take walks.. a few naps... meet up with a good friend who I haven't seen in ages & reconnect...make a nice dinner for the hubby & son.. things I haven't been able to do..with all the hustle of my former job & my health.

I need to step back & count my blessings... my health is getting better.. my son is a GOOD kid...hubby puts up with me ...LOL...what more can a gal ask for?

Tammy M
on 6/2/09 9:19 pm - Somers, CT
Sorry you didn't get to leave on your own terms - layoffs are kind of shocking - it must be hard not to take it personally - but I've seen so many good hard working people let go that it is a sign of the times. I have my plan "b" just in case and it helps with security.

You'll be okay Mickey - You are a survivor!
Warm Regards - Tammy -
Lilypie - (dOEW)preview image
Nancy O.
on 6/5/09 9:56 am - Old Lyme, CT
 Mickey, so sorry to hear about your job, but glad your health is getting better.

It is a tough time to be unemployed but there are jobs out there. I just reentered the workforce after a long layoff and am glad that I had the time off and happy that I was able to find something. Use this down time to focus on yourself and your health. 


 71 lb lost pre-op   Abdominoplasty & Panniculectomy Dec 4th, 2009
on 6/5/09 8:17 pm - Rockville, CT
Thanks Nancy!

I plan on hitting up the Dept of Labor next week to keep my mind busy & start revamping my resume.  
Definately don't want to be a manager again.. I've been in management for about 10 years & I'm burnt out.. (Unless a perfect job "fit" came along).

Just want to manage myself for awhile.. LOL..

It's only been 4 days & I'm stir crazy... I'm hoping to have something lined up by late Sept... October (earlier if possible) once the college kids go back to school.

I do feel soooo much better since the tune up with my blood.. hopefully whatever took place will stay absorbed.. I go back to the hemotologist  in August & I see Dr. R next month for a check up.

I do notice & catching my self "grazing" at night... (all good foods but still a no-no) I know it's the stress & a touch of depression...  so need to reign that in quickly.  

Waiting for my husbands insurance to kick in so I can get other appointments out of the way & resume seeing my therapist.... 

Such bad timing with all this.. bleck... but it'll pass.


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