Hello everyone. I recently spent 2 weeks in the hospital due to a liver abcess. No one can figure out where it came from. I've been healthy and followed all of the rules. Now my wgt has plummeted. I have gone from 260 at surgery to 120 and look cachexic. I can't help but wonder if this abcess was related to my surgery. None of the docs say it is directly related but.... Just wondered if anyone else has heard anything like this. And also I can't stess enough that if you don't feel well and it doesn't appear that you are getting any answers please be persistant. I wasn't and took my surgeons word that this was viral. I didn't realize how sick I really was. I am now home after 15 days in the hospital and have a picc line in place that I inject antibiotics in daily and will continue to do for another 3 weeks. And it appears I will be out of work for a very long time. Everyone just be diligent and remember you are your own best advocate. If something does not feel right speak up. Linnie
Hmmm Linnie I dunno what to say- you are a nurse, as am I- so we both know the answer to the question- I think part of the problem WAS indeed your profession. It's always that " oh she's a nurse she's thinks every little pain is a serious problem.." diagnosis. I think more often than not our medical background hinders us and we get dismissed by the docs easier.
Liver abcess after a year out? That is a weird one- and certainly not what anyone would expect. The docs don't go looking for a liver abcess when somebody complains a year after's not a normal occurence. HOWEVER that doesn't mean that you shouldn't feel like it should have been found sooner- I think that you are validated to feel like you weren't listened to appropriately- and you are so very right- the squeaky wheel get the grease- you have to keep complaining and carrying on to get things you know aren't normal looked at.
I have seen a few liver abcesses - and from what I understand they are not the docs fault- its your body and the way it handles the surgical stress, the healing, the re-routing of your intestines etc.
You need to get on track with the dietician now- and make sure you are getting adequate nutrition. It's going to be harder for you because of the pouch to get enough calories in- especially in light of the liver - can you tolerate protein? You need it. You need to rebuild your muscle mass which has been damaged by your malnutrition from being sick.
AND you need to get in to see Dr Aranow and discuss your feelings- you are only 1 year out and you still need surgical follow up- especially now. Were you hospitalized at MMH? Were you back on North 4? I was there 12/28-31. At least you should have a less hard time with the PICC line than most given your background. I hope you feel better soon. And remember- we are here for you.
I am so glad to see you posting and feeling a little better. You sure have had a time of i****ching you go through this sure did bring up some important issues for us post ops that really need to be addressed. Such as, getting medical staff to recognize the needs of a gastric bypass patient from medication restrictions to nutritional needs. I was shocked to hear that they tried to give you meds you shouldn't have and that they did not know to give you more protein rich meals and no sugar, straws with your drinks, etc....AFTER you reminded them several times. And this was at MMH where they do RNY! I know we are our own best advocates, however it seems that there should be a certain amount of communication and transition going on between our GBP surgeons and our PCP's and any future specialists we may encounter. These kinds of problems will affect all of us at some time in our lives as we will most definately be in need medical attention in the future. Thankfully, that finally happened for you, but you had to really squeak that wheel to get it and it just wasn't right. You were too sick to have to fight that hard to get proper medical care.
Continue to feel better friend, you are a fighter and I know you will be back in that gym in no time!
I am sorry to hear you have been so sick. I am very glad that you have gotten to the bottom of what it was. Sounds like a long time to heal but thank god you found out what it was.
A good lesson learned but unfortunatley at your expense. I will remember this post op and always be in tune with my body.
Please take good care of yourself. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.
Nancy K