St. Vincent's Hospital - Lap Band
Hi all,
I have a colleague here at work whose sister is planning on getting the lap band at St. Vincent's Hospital. Does anyone know what doctor does it their and do you know anyone that has had the lap band done by him? If so would you recommend him. Also wondering if you have any information on the lap band that I can pass along,(my email is [email protected]) as I had RNY I don't know much about the Lap Band. She is paying out of pocket (no insurance), does anyone know approximately how much the Lap Band costs? Any and all information will be appreciated.
St. V's in Bridgeport? If yes, my surgeon is now Director of Bariatric surgery there. Yes, I certainly would recommend him and you can feel free to pass my info and email address along to her. Where does she live, by the way? They'll be having a seminar at St. V's tomorrow night at 7, if she's interested in going . . .
Banded Dec. 2003