Back After a Long Absence!
Long time, no talk kids!
I see a few familiar names still here, along with lots of new ones.
Well, life has been quite chaotic in the monhs I've been gone. Job stuff, family stuff, getting married!! What a wonderful event, and what a stressful time in my life!! Being an emotional eater, it was a big problem. I have developed the ability to eat lots of different stuff, and my great weakness for sugar has led me astray, and I also stopped going to the gym -- really healthy ways to handle stress, eh? However, I'm now striving to get myself back on track. I still need plastic surgery for the hernia/excess skin situation in the tummy area & a breast lift/reduction, but I suspect that's going to be a long time coming. I can't expect John to prefer me to have elective surgery over buying a house (well, when the time comes that I need the hernia surgery, I know we'll find a way for the rest). Anyway, life is good, in spite of food issues, which we all know continue long after weight loss surgery. I found my husband months before my surgery (proof of God's sense of humor) and he's been a wonderful support. After 45 (!!) years of being single, I'm a married lady. I hope to discipline myself to come back here regularly since it helped in the past, and I'm starting to use again. Keep your fingers crossed for me!!
I'd change my profile name to Kathy K., but you're already here!!
Kathy F.
Welcome back Kathy:
I am a newer member for about a year, but I would like to say hello and congratulations on your marriage. Your photo is so pretty too.
We are here for you through your struggle back, take it slow and don't stress. If you ever need a shoulder or just to chat don't hesitate to email me.
Welcome back!!
Too many of the 'old timers' have disappeared from the board.
Sounds like you've been keeping pretty busy there!
Congratulations on the marriage! You made it all the way to 45! Must be a strange adjustment - this from the 43 year old woman who's still looking!! LOL!
We're still here for you while you get yourself back on track.
And I'm also running a support group at St Raphael's the 4th Thurs of each month (6pm) for anyone over 1 year post-op. Feel free to drop in!!!
Hope to see you on here often!
Hey Kathy,
WELCOME BACK KATHY!!!!! I was wondering if you got married during this holiday since I remembered your announcement for getting marired! CONGRATS on the marriage! You looks so beautiful on your wedding gown and your hubby must be proud to showc off his wife! WINK! Alot of our old post op have been disappeared from this board. I will email you private a long one about me! I will be there to listen and support you.
Happy New Year!!!
Try to use Kathy Kor or KK so that way other person won't confused you or me. LOL
Kathy K