Teeter totting with 2 pounds
ARGHHHHHHHHH I am so aggravated as I only have 2 pounds to go to see the 100's again and I just can't seem to get to it. I have been taking my lasix (for my headaches) and it is a water pill so HOPEFULLY today I will make it to the ONES.
I am praying so please pray with me.
OH BTW can anyone tellme how to change my password that is on the site as I always have a hard time getting on since it was assigned to me and I don't remember it.
OH YEAH and How do I update this GOD awful pic of me????
Hey Lisa,
Don't stress, I am teeter totting up and down with the scale too. I have 19 more pounds to get under 200. I know how you feel. It takes time but it will go away.
Anyway here is the email address you send a new photo to:
[email protected]
Just email them with an attachment and ask them to replace your photo. The password issue you should contact one of the help people. Not sure on that.
Take care and be patient.
Did you try trimming your nails, cutting your hair, shaving your legs and pits? LOL- you'lll get there- after all you have lost two pounds should be "nuttin'"
I think you can change stuff on your profile if you go into "my account" you should be able to change the password.
As for the picture I emailed them one about three weks ago and it isn't up yet- Dave Ewan knows how to do it faster I think.
Keep up the good work- I would love an updated pic though!!!