Welcome to 2006!
Hello all! Happy 2006!
I hope you all had a safe and happy New Year's Eve. I've been passing some time lately thinking about how I plan to spend my time in 2006.
I personally don't really care for resolutions. Or at least not for calling what I'm doing a resolution. It makes me feel like a failure at the beginning, SO, I try to think about the big picture of my 2006 and what I want to think about it as I review this year in December 06. Know what I mean?
What I'd like to do is continue to live my life this year with a firm resolve to be HAPPY HEALTHY and a good person. 2005 was the first year in a long time that I've had the courage to take big steps to make major changes to my life. Those changes were difficult for me, because I've always felt that I didn't deserve to be TOO happy...that just kinda happy was good enough, and I really shuldn't tempt fate, or I may wind up miserable. Well, what I learned in 2005 was that if you don't take a chance at being truly happy, and reach for the happiness that you want, you will never be fulfilled, and always wonder. Then you'll be miserable in the long run anyway. So, it's best to take the leap and go for your dream of happiness. So, I'll take that into my 2006 and use it to make a better year this year.
For me, my big objective will be to trust in love again, trying to take the leap of faith. And to try to find happiness in a career change. What will it be for you???
Now, this means something to me, of course, in my own personal way... I'm not going to bore you with the gory personal life issues, LOL. But, I encourage everyone to take a look deep inside and make the changes you need to that will make a difference to you. For some, it may be to have WLS. For others, it may be PS or may be NOT to have WLS and to seek another route. It may have something to do with your family, or career or living situation... I don't know. But, I hope we can all take a little while to put ourselves in the position of thinking about how we want to remember our 2006 and take the steps we need to to make it that way!
I wish us ALL the courage we need to make the big decisions that will bring us closer to the life we all deserve to live.
Happpy 2006. Let's all make it a great year!
My Best Wishes To You All,
Lisa C
Happy New Year to you! Your post is so inspirational. I have been thinking a lot about the course of my life for 2006 as well. Did a lot for the physical self in 2005. 2005 was a good year for me in that respect. For 2006, I want to continue to lose 30-35 more pounds which will require ahem....much more exercise. But in addition to continuing the progress on my physical self, I have personal issues that definately need attention and LOTS of courage and consideration before taking action. I am praying for guidance to find the right answers and don't know if 1 year is enough time, but to just begin addressing these matters that are holding back my happiness and get moving in the right direction will be huge for me. I have the knack of putting everyone else's needs and happiness in front of my own which is an easy way to ignore what I have to do for me.
Here's to courage in 2006!
thanks for the great post,