Tummy Tuck questions
HI Mickey,
I just had my Tummy tuck done on Tuesday. I would definitley wait until 18 months post -op to do it. Like Lisa C. said the body continually changes and at 18 months you are pretty much where you are going to be. I will be 2 years this month. I would have gotten my done a little sooner but alot of things went on and now was the best time. I did have some rashes etc, but my insurance just approved it with what the plastic surgeon sent them. They actually only approved the panniculectimy part of the surgery, the rest was considered "cosmetic". I would defintiley try your insurance first what have you got to lose right? I had the full abdominoplasty and the whole precedure was 12000, insurance paid for half. Other half was out of pocket. To my surprise dr. removed 17.5 pounds of skin...so that alone was awesome. I only expected like 8 or 9 pounds. It is very painful but is so worth it in the end! OMG, i can already see the awesome results. Also , alot of insurances wont pay for plastics until you are 18 months post op, I know that was one of the requirements of mine. Hope info helps! Good luck on your next part of the journey!