Hi Bernadette,
I"m glad that you're home and are resting.
When you have a minute while you're up and about, write me a private eamil and tell me about your experience!
Get in all of your protein, 65 gms a day...it'll be Dr A's first question of you during your first visit with him! And you're staple lines will heal nicely!
Hang in there, rest and heal! Thank God the kids go back to school this week!
HA!!! Thanks Peter- I have waited a long time to be a loser!! Soon I will be a big fat loser!!! Right now I have a lovely case of thrush in my mouth (ewwwww) so everything tastes NASTY- I have Aunt Flo visiting (right on time ) and I really would like to poop someday. Although I am outdoing the cow farm next door in terms of methane production....
Bernadette, I am sooooooooooooo sorry that I was not on the boards at all to see that you were in the hospital as I would have come to see you. How are you doing hon?? Give me a call if you still have my number. If not you can e-mail me and I will send it to you.
Best of luck on the loser's side..