Why Do Our Tastes Change???
The change in tastes occurs for a few reasons. First, during the initial more rapid weight loss, when your body is in ketosis, your saliva is loaded with ketones which effect your tastebuds (think of it like trying to eat in a nail salon). Secondly, we tend to be creatures of emotional ties to food--- knowing that there will be a negative consequence from indulging in certain items does trigger a lack of desire (for some things in some of us) which many of tend to analyze as having our tastes change. Birthday cake wouldn't taste good even if I did have it-- it would taste like "guilt". Lastly, I think that many of us will our tastes to change--- we abstain from trigger foods and to help ourselves, on some level, I think we sometimes sever the tie we once had with some of those problem foods and, to help ourselves in abstaining, convince ourselves that those foods never tasted as good as being thin feels. Hey, it's whacky, I'll admit, but it's worked for me.
There are more foods that I now LIKE (disliked pre-op) than the other way around. You couldn't have PAID me to eat tofu before, for example, and now I love it. And I like far more varieties of fish than I did preop.
There are foods that I've given up, like giant clam sushi, because they jus ttake to friggin' long to chew to a mush. And there are foods that DISAGREE with me now, but I still like them (BEEF!)
The only thing I really have no taste for anymore is a donut, though I still adore the smell of them.