All of a sudden getting sick alot!!
Ok well first off I have to say I am only 3 months out or should I say ALREADY 3 months out... In the beginning I was NEVER getting sick now it seems that every other time I eat I am getting sick and I am not sure as to why??
Also when the hell will my fat A** stomach go away.. Arghhh I have started walking and also when I work I am doing alot of bending and stuff so I am wondering my my fat GUT is still here.. I am so sick of it..
Hey Lisa,
Take it easy kiddo, give it time. Your only out three months, its going to take a while for your body to get use to all the changes. You will see in the next few months it will get better. I am 11 months out and I still get sick once in a while.
Make sure your eating slow, and not to much, and don't drink while your eating either. Take your time, be patient it will get better. We have all gone through this. I know its frustrating but you will get past all of it.
Take care and stay focused.
Patience dear lady. You must understand that as your body changes, so do your tolerances to differnt foods. If you think the problem is medical discuss it with your doctor. It's a bit hit and miss and trying new things as the journey continues. As far as your tummy, that too will go down in time. You must remember that your losing fat from all over your body as you have noticed by the way your clothes are fitting. I know I get sick by just eating while being stressed. So relax and experement. Patience is so very important as you lose your weight. We all lose at different rates and the important thing is to just keep on track. So, again, try to relax and I am sure you will be happy with your results.
Take Care,
3 months is the typical time for a stricture to occur. Call your doc just to rule it out. When I was almost 3 months po, I started getting sick on EVERYTHING (including water), and he did an EGD and found that I was just about totally closed. He opened me up and I was fine (had to have it repeated 2 months later - been fine since). Just get checked out.