The Last Supper
As a pre or post op are you familiar with the term the last supper? Did you feel the need to have one final large meal prior to surgery or maybe even a whole month worth of last suppers? Did you gather with family and friends and how did you feel about yourself after you binged? If this sounds like something you or someone you know participated in before surgery, please send me a short email telling me about your experience for an article in OH Magazine. Please send comments to [email protected].
Ronda Einbinder
Public Relations Manager
ObesityHelp :type:
Ronda Einbinder
Public Relations Manager
ObesityHelp :type:
So Ronda- were you ever actually fat- or are you just guessing what its like?????
1) the actual "Last Supper" was Jesus Christ giving his apostles the tools necessary to carry on His message before he put Himslef on the cross to give His life for us. Using it to talk about a selfish reckless binge pre-op is an insult to the sacrifice He made - and no I am not a Bible thumper- I am usually not spouting Christain virtues- but I was repulsed by using this term in the way you did- whether or not its a cultural term actualy used in the WLS community doesn't justify OH using it. Guess 9 years of Catholic school did do me some good- who would have thought I could actually come out with that ????
2) If you have a need to binge pre-op you haven't come to terms with the fact that you have a problem and need to change- and the surgery is not appropriate for you at this time. My surgeon- the best in this state and one of the top in the US- requires extensive counseling and positive changes be made PREop- including a weight loss of at least 10 pounds pre-op- there is no room in his pre-op regime for careless reckless behavior.
3) If family and friends are truly supportive and understanding and going to be helpful and not co-dependent post op then the last thing any of them would do is have a big food orgy with you prior to surgery.
4) If you want complications binging preop is the way to do it- it will enlarge the liver and put you at risk ofr "little problems" like oh I dunno DEATH?
Perhaps instead of an article on preop binging you should do a piece on Pre-op acceptance of the post-op lifestyle changes. "Shedding the Monkey on your back first" Want I should write it? I am a RN with a background in Psych nursing. I have been obese since age 8.
And by the way- while I am ranting- how is it you haven't been sued by Oprah yet for toe stepping- She has a magazine called "O!" you risk management lawyers didn't get all worked up about the possible infringement?????????
Hi Bernadette-- Thank you for your insight. I have interviewed a psychotherapist for this article and agree totally with your view on the subject. You can read about what she says when the article is printed. The article will focus on the dangers of this meal many have referred to as the last supper. In regards to the religious name pre ops have given it, in researching this topic I think they believe they will never be able to eat their favorite foods again so have given it this name. And no I have never had a weight issue but that does not take away from my journalistic integrity in covering stories. And your last question regarding our name, the title of our magazine is O H not O. I know you would find our articles very informative and hope you have had a chance to read a copy if you are not already a subscriber. If you have any other questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me directly at [email protected]
Ronda Einbinder
Public Relations Manager