Thank you
Thank you everyone for responding and helping me get back on track.... I meet today for lunch with Kelly K and she looks great, It feels good to see someone since I can't make it to the support groups. Maybe Kelly and I can meet for lunch at least once a month. I did very well with my eating today and I also went walking with my friends for an 1 1/2 hour... Sometimes you need that little push, or just hearing someone else. Even thou I have very supportive family and friends it is not the same to hear it from the people that have experience WLS. I plan to walk tomm again with my girlfriends... Again thank you, thank you, thank you!!!! Oh it feels so great to eat right and exercise!!!!
It was very good to see you for lunch and yes we can and should meet for lunch. You know in your head what needs to be done. You haven't come this far to start backsliding. Take each day as it comes. You are doing so much for yourself and your son so take it easy on yourself.
I will see you soon.