Hi All,
I feel like I am falling and I need help.. Can someone please tell me what can I get back to eating the right stuff... Give me ideas... I have been eating bad stuff... Two weeks ago I ate tuna for lunch and dinner and I lost 3 pounds and I gained them back... I don't want to fail and its been hard to get to my support group going to school at night, it seems that every semester I have to take a Tuesday class and its hard for me to miss since my semesters are only 8 weeks long... I started my journey at 263 and I am currently about 192-195 so that brings me to about 70 pounds but I have really been this weight since the summer.... okay enough of my crap... I need to do this for myself... Ideas... Please
Don't beat yourself up-it will do you no good. There are support group meetings in Hamden every other Monday--you may want to try there.
How about posting on and seeing if you are getting enough protein? Are you dirinking your water?
I ,too, have have a slow weight loss-this summer. Look how far you have not look back...just forward. Take it easy on yourself.
Hang in there..
Hi Magaly,
I guess I can't offer you any advice since I have not been able to lose my last 10 lbs since August. But I do know how you feel! I think you have to first get off carbs, increase water, increase protein, and exercise. With that said, maybe I will start taking my own advice and stop losing and gaining the same 2-3 lbs over and over again! Good luck
Hi Magaly:
Asking for help is being proactive in your weight loss journey.
BRAVO to you for asking for help.
This is surely the time to give yourself KUDOS for coming so far already.
I recently found a great website that might be of help along with that Joanie has suggested.
It was founded by Kaye Bailey who is a post op gastric bypasser.
It is called: LivingAfterWLS
On the site she has an agreement one can make (to one's self) to help stay on track. She also has written (she is a journalist) many articles that I found helpful.
Here is the link to that:
Your reaching out helps me... I have been struggling of late... It reminds me we are doing this together and help each other stay afloat and be successful longterm.
Good luck.
Hi Magaly,
I read your message and is wondering if you did exercise but I dont see your mention about exercise... try to carry protein bars or healthy foods in small bags with you during your semesters, bring botlte of water with you, make plan to exercise ( no excuse but you can find time for this like 30 min 3 or 4 times a week) Remember we have to change our life style after our WLS surgery and stick with it. Email to Joanie your food log and email me your exercise log then we will be happy to help you back on the right track
Hang in there and don't give up!
Kathy K
When I got/get off on a jag of poor eating, it's usually because I'm being lazy and not taking time to prepare for my eating. (not saying that this is you, just that it IS me) What I find helpful is if I PLAN a week of meals on, say, Saturday. Go to the store and pull it all together in advance.
The less I have to MAKE when I'm in that sort of mood/pattern, the better.
I'll usually make sure I have some low carb or carb concious frozen meals in the freezer so that I don't have to make lunch and/or dinner. then I get some prepackaged individual yogurts and cottage cheese and tuna or chicken salad lunchable type things and a box of protein bars. That usually sets me up for the week and all I have to do is GRAB and/or MICROWAVE. Easy as pie.
So, as an example, in a day I might have one coffee in the morning (which I get from Mobil convenience store) a cottage cheese for breakfast, a tuna lunchable for lunch and a lean cuisins low carb meal for dinner. This keeps the calories and carbs LOW and the eating regular. if I NEED a snack, it's either yogurt or a protein bar.
Do you think this would help you?
Give it a try, you never know.
Good luck Magaly. You're doing great. Don't get discouraged now.
best wishes & a big hug,
P.S. Kathy IS right about the exercise. My MAJOR longterm stall (I thought I was done loosing) was ended QUICKLY with the introduction of regualr strenuous exercise and brought me from 160 to 135 in no time flat. I did it begrudgingly, believe me. But, it works.