Can someone become a model after GB surgery?
I LOVE taking pictures but even more then taking them I love to be in them. I'm an extremely photogenic person. Everyone tells me that I am. I realized that if I could lose more weight (I've already lost 120-130 pounds) I would love to be a model. Not sure how to go about that but I was wondering if anyone here had ever herd of an GB patient going into modeling and actually being successful.
It's a silly dream to desire but when I look at myself in these pictures I see so much potential. I know that's me being narcissistic. I'm sorry.
Thank you,
Hi Aliza,
I'm a strong advocate of being able to do ANYTHING you put your mind to.
Your posted pictures look cute enough to me. Why not try posting your question to the main message board. That way you can get a more varied response and possibly see someone who has actually done it.
Best of luck....and you are doing great!
Hi AC, Ken's right! With our rebirth after this journey we are undertaking it opens up all sorts of new doors in our lives. Just remember to take your time making your choices and be comfortable with the "baggage" that comes with them.One of the lessons I have learned so far is one's outward apperance effects how so many people react to you. It's one thing seeing a "heavy person "story on some news show where they dress up in coustumes that make them look overweight and track how differently they are treated. It's another when your living it and the changes with people you interact with and how differently you are treated now that you are "Thinner". Thank Goodness for the friends I have that have always been there for me no matter what size I was. I recognize them for the Treasures they are in my life. So to me its a mixture of joy and sadness at times. Follow your dream where it leads you but never forget that your still the same person inside that you have always been.Let that person be the foundation your guide. Take Care,