Plz Help - Appeal letter
Hello all,
Well I was denied last week my surgery through insurance (CTCARE). except, the said they would cover it, until they found out my employer has an exclusion (since 1/1/03) not to cover weight loss surgeries. I would be okay with that, but I know of at least 4 people in my company who had this surgery since 2003 and was paid for through insurance. I talked to my benefit dept and they said they will not cover it, etc..i questioned them on the other 4 people and they told me they cannot discuss them. So now I am told to send an appeal letter to my insurance company and my employer for the surgery. Unfortunately I am not that great at writing essays so I was hoping anyone who had gone through this if you can help me write something, or email me your appeal letter?
I am so upset about this, especially since I verified with insurance 2 times before I had everything done that they would cover it, and the fact that people I know had it done w/out a problem.
I wonder if its a 'sign' that I shouldnt have it done, and do you think I can evenutally get it paid for w/ insurance?
thanks so much in advance!!
Hi Dawn,
You can try here to start with this sample letter:
Another thing you might want to do is go to Information at the top of the screen then click on Library and type in appeal letter. This will give you a listing of others that have requested copies of appeal letters and some locations to get them. Good luck and I hope you get approved soon.
If you really want the surgery you can hire Gary Viscio. He will write your appeal. He has an extremely high success rate. I got his name from my surgeon when I got denyed. My employer also did not cover the surgery. Gary never let me get discouraged and I finally got approved. Here is his website. His fee isn't to bad. I think i paid $750.00. But it was worth it!!!!!
Good luck