Having a Hard time...
Well as of Monday I am a month post op and I am having such a hard time drinking anything as it hurts half way down. ARghhh I have the terrible depression form this also. Did anyone else or am I just Nucking Futs???
I GAG on everything that is protein ie: Shakes, beneprotein all the powders etc.. I am so disappointed in myself. I just keep telling myself if I don't get the protein in (because if I get 40 a day I am lucky) then I will have tears and leaks and could end up very sick.. BUT I JUST CAN'T DO IT.. I was always told not to say CAN'T but I have tried and tried and tried AGAIN and I Can't do it I gag so bad and it hurts my incision.
I am however down 40 pounds as of today and I am very happy about that BUT am afraid of the after effect of what I have doen to myself already..
All I do is sit and cry....
Please help.
E-mail me at [email protected]
The depression is totally normal, but you can take medication to help if needed. It's a HUGE change psychologically and physically. You have to get the liquid thing solved! You need hydration. Maybe you are taking to big of a gulp? When I first started out they had me drink (sip really) from a teaspoon because at first that was all I could handle at once. I agree with you on the protein shakes, I couldn't handle them either. All of them made me GAG. EWWW. I did get a sampler from bariatriceating.com and some in there weren't that bad. If you're really desperate try the carnation instant breakfast, it has protein in it and it also tastes good! They make a sugar free version (of course I like the full sugar one)
It may help out some and get that protein into you. There's nothing worse than that stuck feeling. I still get it sometimes and I'm almost a year out. Keep plugging along and don't be afraid to call the surgeon's office and ask questions. That's what they're there for! Good luck!
There was a lemonade flavor that was OK. I really was bad and didn't drink my protein shakes. Of course I lost quite a bit of my already thin hair but it's really coming back now, thank goodness. I think you'll just have to try and see what you like. What tastes good to me might taste like sh*t to you. LOL I know some people think that the stuff from GNC tastes good and I HATE it! Blech! I hate the taste of soy and I think that's what makes me gag. I tried an unflavored powder too but it didn't mix well into stuff like broth etc. Never tried the unjury stuff but heard lots of raves about it. Propel fitness water also has vitamins and electrolytes, not sure if it's cheaper than some of the other brands, but they had me on strictly that for the first week post op. HTH
Hi Lisa,
I'm so sorry that you're having a hard time with the liquids. Did you call Lois and ask her about it? Maybe going back to the sip, sip, sipping from day one will help? Maybe you're gulping too much air? Maybe you're drinking way too much and not realizing it and then it's way too late?
I have a very sensitive "gag" reflex and thank God, haven't had much gagging this week, but I have had lots of post nasal drip and that caused a lot of gagging last week in the hospital.
I bought a great (about a buck a piece) sample pack from www.wlssupplies.com before surgery. I got the chocolate lovers sampler, the isopure sampler and a wts brand sampler.
I've found some are thicker than others and some make me very gassy.
Have you tried the low carb/sugar free drinkable yogurts? I like the Dannon one and can drink about half of one and I'm full.
Have you tried getting broth from the Chinese restaurant and adding some unflavored Unjury to that? I do the unflavored in EVERYTHING and it brings what I'm eating up to 20gms of protein. I got it at www.unjury.com You can also buy samples from them.
I get that burning too, when I know I've taken in too big a sip or drank too quickly, I get that burning like a knife pain.
My biggest pain in the neck right now is the pain/ache I feel on my left side of my belly. Don't know if this is where Dr A stitched my old belly to the stomach wall, or where the old belly is connnected to the new part of the intestine, but it is a BUGGER...
Please try to take little sips...and let us know how you're doing...we don't want you to go and get all dehydrated on us now.
Do you have Shaw's near you? I buy "SMAR****ER" from them. It's in their health food section. Not in the water section. It's regular water, but with electrolytes added..this way, you're drinking your water and getting nutrients in what your body is missing.
keep us posted.
Hi Lisa-
I'm so sorry to hear you are having a hard time! As far as protein shakes go I've used (from the start) Designer Protein Shake mix (GNC) with a packet of sugar free Carnantion Instant Breakfast- I like it. Remember to drink in sips. To this day if I drink too fast I hurt. Someone once told me to think of my new pouch as a funnel- don't fill it too much. Dr. A said that he makes our pouches about the size of a marble- that's really tiny so take really tiny sips.
I hope you begin to feel better soon- you will!
Congrats on your weight loss but try, try, try to get some protein shakes in!
p.s.- Will you be at mondays meeting?
I had the SAME thing. I was sick to my stomach all of the time, and even brushing my teeth made me gag. I also had the crying spells and depression - it went away, I swear.
I couldn't (and still can't) gag down any of the protein drinks but the Isopure from GNC.
Please, please, know that you are totally not alone.
Thanks so much for all your support.
I am so depressed.. I want to eat and then when I get near ANYTHING I don't want it.. I can't do the pudding anymore that makes me puke then I went to the cottage cheese and then I was ok with that for a LITTLE BIT AND NOW I am so thirsty I could drink the Atlantic Ocean. If I drink I get a pain when it gets 1/2 way down to my pouch. I am so afraid as I have not been able to get the protein in and my friend and Dr A said that I am damaging myself severly not doing it.. BUT THE THING IS I CAN'T... I just can't get myself to drink it or to eat it with the nasty taste.. Even if something tastes good I DON'T want to eat it BUT I am so hungry ALL THE TIME.. My stomach is ALWAYS rumbling and growling for food..
ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHH I am so depresses..
My husband has friends over and they just got 2 large pizza's... OFF TO BED I GO to cry mylself to sleep again tonight.. I HATE THIS!!!!!